Title: Moving On [1/3]
Pairing: Yabuki Hayato/Hatanaka Kousaku, Yabuki Hayato+Odagiri Ryu
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Losing the will to live after losing his best friend and long-time crush Odagiri Ryu to a fatal motorcycle accident, Yabuki Hayato learns through a chance encounter with professional boxer, Hatanaka Kousaku, that moving on is not about
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Comments 25
nyahahaha~ me likes! but too sad Ryu-chan is no longer around... *pouts*
gaah, i need to re-watch Gokusen 2 because i seriously need AkaKame love right now *shot* and maybe OPG too since Kousaku is too cute to ignore~ *kyaaa*
and and! thank you! i couldn't believe i'm actually using my fav icon again *points at the icon used* ♥ i never had a reason to use it again after wrapping up CoBL because it felt... i dunno, wrong to use it when Kame is not pregnant... or when Kame isn't Kousaku. weird reasoning, huh?
*hugs* i seriously can't wait for the next parts! like i mentioned before, i'd offer to beta but i'd be too amazed that i wouldn't be able to focus on technicalities *laughs*
You finished that series??? YAYYYYY!!! I have so much to catch up on! *Kicks RL* I'm glad you have a reason to use your icon again. I know what you mean, but at the same time, it's so cute!
i am so going to watch those two series after submitting my timed scripts ♥ i'll be damned if i delay those projects... *laughs*
yup!! ♥ hope you like reading the last chapter (or maybe not?!) when you have time of course! of the series *giggles* something random and light was how i ended it :3 totally agree with you with it being cute. this is the scene in OPG that made it possible for me to write the pregnant!Kame fic XD
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Nuuu. Ryu's dead >.< But at least Kousaku's there XDD D'aww I can totally imagine Hayato and Kousaku eating together XDD
I did end up asking tesshi to beta this fic, but I don't suppose you'd be willing to beta a drabble turned one-shot for me? (^-^;;; I don't want to throw everything on Tesshi when I know she's busy.
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Thank you for reading!
What matchmakers the rest of the gang are.
I'm excited for the upcoming parts.
Thanks for sharing.
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