Kisulog: Miyata Toshiya - #7 05/30

May 30, 2012 12:57

First Kisulog entry posted to this journal :D

Kisulog: Miyata Toshiya - #7 05/30


It's Miyata (kiri


I finally managed to catch up with all the anime episodes I had recorded

I had accumulated a real lot

I've watched 30 hours of anime~

It was a rich, intense time

It was hard to watch them while keepin track of all the different stories inside my head but I had a great time

Right, you don't care about this, do you! tehe


Kisumai's live DVD will be released on 6/20

Please preorder it


Please watch the drama I'm in, "Shiritsu Bakaleya Koukou", too

What should I talk about this time...

Oh, right

This time, how about the story of the dog we're keeping in my household (Mint-kun) VS Miyata Toshiya

It happened on a day when I had just come back from work as usual (kiri

Toshiya VS Mint.

The very second I came back from work, I heard a growl, "grrrrrrr! grrrrrrrrr!"

∑( ̄□ ̄;) scary!!

But I had come back home on a packed train and I was already feeling rather stressed, so I scolded it sternly!! (doya)

"When are you going to learn the family members' faces!! If you don't learn them soon I'm going to take away from you the bone you like so much~ (angry)"

(Mint got angry back at me)

Mint-kun had come to steal the socks I was wearing away from me w(°O°)w

Damn, it's dangerous if it bites on my socks!
Because while looking all happy and cheerful he'll bite on my feet, too!!

Mint-kun saw my socks and got excited, and made exactly this face: ヾ (=^▽^=)ノ

(Toshiya starts feeling frightened)

I knew it didn't mean harm, but from my point of view it was a dangerous situation!!
It'd open a hole in my socks, and once it bites me it won't let me go so easily /even though it's just a doggie

I must counterattack!!
My strategy was to throw toys in all directions to distract it.

I named it

"Doggie confusion tactics"

I immediately had a go at it!!!!!!!!!!!!

(but Mint didn't look away)

Me: "Hey wwwwwww you wwwwwwwww"
Don't you joke with me!!

Mint (locks on Toshiya's socks)

Toshiya (gets ready to take Mint back into its dog basket)

This should be the last attack & defense...

Toshiya "Let's go, Mint!!!!"

Mint "Come and get me!! I'll turn your damn socks into my toy!!"

The first to attack was...

But just as I tried to grab Mint's body............................

"IT HURTS!!!!"

It had slipped through my arms and bit me orz

As the deadly battle was taking place, the central pillar of Miyata family, my father, appeared from inside the house!!

"Bwahahaha!! Min-kun! House!!"

And Mint-kun went back to its basket of its own accord.

Mint-kun listens obediently to everyone in the family but me.

What a dog orz

What am I to Mint...

And so, the curtain fell over the Battle of the Century between Toshiya and Mint with just a word from my father.

This time I'll end the entry like this

See you next time ('―')/~~


kiri - looking all straight up and neat
tehe - cutesy laugh
doya - something like "how's that?", looking proud, etc.
orz -I think everyone knows this but it indicates despair. it's said to resemble someone kneeling down in utmost depression
w - equivalent to our "XD". It's the initial of "warau" = "laugh". The more w there are, the funnier the thing they refer to is (like "XDDDDD" etc)

Damn, this entry was hilarious XDDDDDDDD Boy, you get no respect, not even from your dog XD ♥ Also, 30hrs of anime?! I hope that wasn't nonstop.
I love how he always writes lots to make up for the seven weeks wait.
Please credit if reposting, including twitter and tumblr! ♥
There's no need to ask me if it's okay to repost, just credit me and put a link back to this entry.

translations: kisulog

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