Image hostingI've always enjoyed posting image-intensive entries since I find it easier to express my days compared to writing descriptions. Plus, it is fun to look back at those photos and have a visual reminder of what I did
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I finally restarted my subscription, and pre-ordered Stormblood!! Got a bit lost once I restarted, struggled through Titan through roulette, but started to get my feel back playing through the Far Edge of Fate update. It was amazing!! [Spoiler]The Yda/Lyse twist is so good I really have to praise SE's script writers. The Shinryu vs Omega scene was just as
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彼 finished his FFXV! Wish I'm there to watch him play. The storyline seems awesome. I've watched several of the cutscenes on youtube... Interested to play myself, but having grown up playing PC games, I'm terrible with controllers and will probably give up after a few tries ;x
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