Fic: In Good Hands [Supernatural]

Feb 16, 2010 08:34

Title : In Good Hands
Author : Miya Morana
Fandom : Supernatural
Pairing : Gabriel/Anna/Crowley
Rating : NC-17
Summary : He just wants to make sure Crowley's taking good care of her.
Disclaimer: I own nothing, blah blah blah, you know the rest.
A/N : Written for kijikun on comment_fic.

In Good Hands )

tv, english, rating:nc-17, threesome, supernatural, fic: supernatural, fanfic

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Comments 15

kijikun February 16 2010, 07:42:23 UTC
I don't think I said this before but I love this. How adoring Crowley is of Anna and how much she trusts her brother and Crowley. How much Gabriel loves her. Beautiful. <3


miya_morana February 16 2010, 07:58:16 UTC
Aw, thank you, I'm so very happy you liked it!

This prompt had been staring at me for a while, but I wasn't sure I could do it justice, so I'm really glad it works for you. :)


entangled_now February 16 2010, 08:04:29 UTC
I really like this, the way you wrote it you made it so slow and pretty and delicious.


miya_morana February 16 2010, 08:12:58 UTC
Thank you! I'm very glad you like it. ♥

Also, I think I need an angel!Anna icon...


entangled_now February 16 2010, 08:28:35 UTC
I swear this show makes me need so many icons I don't have spaces for them all! It's a tragedy!


jenab February 16 2010, 13:18:42 UTC
I like the tenderness of Crowley with Anna and Gabriel wanting only the best for her.


miya_morana February 16 2010, 16:18:09 UTC
I'm glad you liked it, thank you! :D

(Your icon is so beautiful! \O/)


ravensilverwing February 16 2010, 13:37:26 UTC
I wouldn't normally read something with a girl smut wise but this was beautiful. Also a little sad for Gabriel, I felt like he was a little lonely. I can see how Crowley and Anna would work, as different as it sounds you made it work really well.


miya_morana February 16 2010, 16:23:01 UTC
I usuallydon't write het smut, I'll have to say! XD Well I very glad you liked it, especially if it's not something you usually read.

Yeah, I do feel like I've been a bit mean with Gabriel, but I'll make it up to him next time. :D

I'm glad that Anna and Crowley work as a couple, it's a bit surprising how well they fit together.

Thanks for reading!


denazia February 16 2010, 16:51:18 UTC
*confession* I normally would not have read this because of the angest!cest, but it's yours so I sucked it up and read it, and I liked it. A lot actually, which is just a testament to your writing skills IMHO. I love your beautiful descriptions of Anna and how much Gabriel and Crowley both seemed to adore her. Crowely?! I heart Crowley. You have my three favorite non-regular characters in this one story. Thanks for that!! *still mad they killed Anna*


miya_morana February 16 2010, 17:12:51 UTC
Aw, thank you so much for a) reading it when you don't like angel!cest (which I get, even though I personnaly don't consider it incest) and b) leaving me such a lovely comment! Anna is beautiful and lovely and I'm still pretending 5.13 never happened or something. Crowley is made of awesome and I hope we'll see him again! :D
*Hugs you*


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