Icons: Teen Wolf

Aug 06, 2012 17:33

So, I got my hands on Teen Wolf Screencaps and couldn't resist making some icons. I've only gone through the caps of episodes 1x01 and 102, so there will certainly be more coming at some point. :P

As usual, please credit if you take anything, and comments are love.

[01-22] Teen Wolf: Allison (2), Derek (5), Derek/Stiles (4), Jackson (2), Jackson/ ( Read more... )

tv, teen wolf, icons, english, graphics, icons: teen wolf

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Comments 20

daydreamer1984 August 6 2012, 16:40:54 UTC
Snagged #5! Will credit! Thanks!!


miya_morana August 6 2012, 16:53:23 UTC
Happy you liked it! :)


morganoconner August 6 2012, 17:12:59 UTC
Stealing a whole handful of shiny new icons! YAYYYYYY! :D

PS - if you ever make an icon or two of beta!Derek with the OMGAMAZING blue eyes, you will own my soul. ♥ ;)


miya_morana August 6 2012, 17:23:04 UTC
Thanks honey, I'm happy you like them!

And I fully intend to, as soon as I get to those screencaps! ^^ Do you have any particular request? After all, I sort of kind of still owe you 10 icons... *shifty eyes*


morganoconner August 6 2012, 17:30:59 UTC
Hmm, no particular requests...honestly, it's been too long since I saw season 1 and I can't remember my favorite caps that would have him with the blue eyes. ^^; But if I think of anythin in particular, I'll let you know! I really need to do a re-watch sometime soon.....


miya_morana August 6 2012, 17:39:22 UTC
I have the caps from season 2 also, so if there's a scene in particular, or anything, really, just let me know. <3


entangled_now August 6 2012, 21:10:26 UTC
These are good, I really like the one of Stiles through the grill.


miya_morana August 6 2012, 23:40:26 UTC
Thank you muchly honey! <3


thrace_adams August 7 2012, 04:45:07 UTC
These are GORGEOUS. Snagged some, will credit.


miya_morana August 7 2012, 09:16:37 UTC
Thank you muchly, I'm happy you liked them! :D


babydracky August 7 2012, 09:20:18 UTC
Très zoli^^


miya_morana August 7 2012, 09:30:44 UTC
Merciii! <3


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