[Fic: BSC] The Less Things Change, the More They Never Seem the Same

Nov 07, 2009 20:40

Title: The Less Things Change, the More They Never Seem the Same
Pairing: Stacey/Charlotte
Rating/Word Count: G/2090
Timeline/Spoilers about two years post-series; spoilers for #3, "The Truth About Stacey"
Disclaimer: see journal
A/N: Written for chickwith_stick in the sleepover round at short_takes, who requested during or shortly after series end, a power outage, and ( Read more... )

type: oneshot, type: challenge fic, pairing: stacey/charlotte, fandom: bsc

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Comments 6

yaobezyananul November 8 2009, 18:27:41 UTC
Great story. I like how you've aged the girls but still kept their relationships in tact. And that Stacey still knows Charlotte so well that she recogizes certain signs , like her sitting in her lap.


coffeecommunity November 9 2009, 05:46:22 UTC
Thank you! I wanted their relationship to still be strong, but to begin to have undertones also, if that makes sense. Aging Charlotte up was a bit harder than I thought it'd be, not gonna lie. Yes, Stacey still knows Charlotte incredibly well, and nothing else would've worked any other way. Thanks for reading/reviewing.


amor_demi_alma November 8 2009, 20:06:51 UTC
This is soooo adorable! I love it tremendously! Great character development and priceless dialog. Loved the pop cultre refs, too. Good work!!!


coffeecommunity November 9 2009, 05:44:18 UTC
Thank you! Glad the characters and dialogue came off okay, because I was really worried it wouldn't. I loved the references, too, and didn't use nearly as many as I wanted to, but it wouldn't have worked with any more! Thanks for reading!


chickwith_stick November 10 2009, 05:31:24 UTC
Oh gosh, this is so wonderful!

“Yeah, you’ve helped me get over a lot of my fears,” Charlotte acknowledged while she pulled them off the couch to search for flashlights and candles,
into a pause full of all the things that Charlotte left unsaid all weekend long. Finally, Stacey broke the silence.

I love that line. And how old habits die hard for Charlotte, and that she can still find comfort in Stacey. And saved by the bell. Hee.


coffeecommunity November 10 2009, 06:10:27 UTC
YAY, I'm so glad you liked it! I always said I'd never write sitter/client, but when I read your request I wanted to give it a shot. Considering I've never written either of these two before, yeah. That line almost killed me, trying to tweak it just right to get it to flow like I wanted, and the end result wasn't what I had planned but worked beautifully. Honestly, though? The research on 80s pop culture (and revisiting my very earliest memories) was almost more fun that writing the story. Thanks for commenting, and I'm glad this didn't disappoint.

Oh, and if you haven't figured it out by now, I started following your fic comm to get an idea of how you write/envision Stacey/Charlotte so I could do this right. But you are a great writer, so there ya go.


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