[Fic: RPF] Come Close, Listen to the Story (5/5)

Jul 14, 2009 18:49

Title/Chapter: To Be Loved, What More Could You Ask For?
Pairing: Demi Lovato/Selena Gomez
POV: Selena, then Miley
Rating/Word Count: PG-13/10,394
Disclaimer/Warning: I do not own either Taylor Swift, Miley Cyrus, Demi Lovato, or Selena Gomez, and none of the portrayed events should be taken as fact. They are fiction and never actually happened. No ( Read more... )

pairing: demi/selena, type: multi-chapter, person: miley cyrus, person: taylor swift, fandom: rpf

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Comments 18

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coffeecommunity December 13 2009, 16:19:38 UTC
Thank you! Sorry it took me so long to reply...my email notifications got buried under other crap in my inbox. Glad you loved it, and thanks for reading/reviewing!


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coffeecommunity December 13 2009, 16:27:35 UTC
Sorry it took so long to reply...I had an inbox flood and these got a bit lost along the way. Anyway...thank you! This story took me months to write, literally, because I tend to think too much! I wanted to portray Selena's primal need to protect Demi there, but also highlight her insecurities and all her pain, and show that finding out her feelings were returned still didn't fix things.

The conversation with her mom...I've said many times that I imagine them to be like the real-life Gilmore girls, to have that kind of relationship, but also I knew that it couldn't all be perfect given the religious beliefs and background they have. I'm just glad it all turned out okay in the end, and that you liked it so much. Once again, thanks so much for reading and reviewing this...hopefully in the next couple weeks or so I'll have more stories for you to read! If they don't kill me first...=(


re yaobezyananul January 8 2010, 04:31:39 UTC
I can't say that I knew much about either Selena or Demi before reading this story. I mean, I recognized Selena's name from Wizards and Demi Lovato as the chick from Camp Rock but that was about the extend of it. But after reading this story I spend the last few days on youtube watching everything I could find with them in it. The way you wrote these characters and their world was beautiful and compelling. You truly have an amazing gift.


Re: re coffeecommunity January 11 2010, 03:21:58 UTC
First of all, so sorry for the late reply. Second, omigod, I'm flattered beyond belief. I can't believe my story got you into these two. Considering I probably watched and read everything you found to write this thing, haha. It was a monster to write and it literally took months. Thank you, so very much, and I hope I (and my other writings) live up to everything you described here.


none yaobezyananul January 30 2010, 05:59:41 UTC
You're writing is amazing. I hope you know that.
I had to come back and read this story again, that's how hooked into these characters you got me.
As a side note, I found that Bamboozle performance on youtube and all I can say is WOW.


Re: none coffeecommunity February 1 2010, 16:59:19 UTC
Thank you! Love that you (and others) keep coming back and rereading it. You'd never seen the Bamboozle performance before?! Yeah, WOW. First time I saw it I didn't even have words. I'm not even into girls and I was like, drooling, and it still gets me every time I see it. Thanks for commenting again, yay awesome!


Re: none yaobezyananul February 4 2010, 15:47:56 UTC
As a writer, I know how good it feels to hear that someone enjoys my work so I try to make a point of letting people know when something I read touches me. Especially if it's something I come back to.
As for her performance, I didn't see it until I went looking for it after reading this story. And, other than the Get Back video on the Disney Channel I'd never heard any of her songs or seen her perform. So seeing that was a surprise. She's certainly grown up. Like you, I'm not into girls but I had to admit, she's kinda hot.


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coffeecommunity March 7 2010, 04:33:44 UTC
Thank you! I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you read it all in one sitting! I'd never be able to do that! Yeah, I tend to write slightly angsty without realizing it, but I almost always give them some kind of happy ending. Thanks for reading through all of it!


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