Okay okay okay, porn doesn't have to be realistic, especially in that unappealing and/or boring aspect of the human anatomy and sexuality (for example, santorum) can Go Without Mention. I just, personally prefer it Within The Realm Of Plausibility, but I do confess to frequently indulge in my reading and writing of porn, the
Biggus Dickus trope, played straight, cause hey, Porn Doesn't Have To Be Realistic.
Still, has anyone here actually written or read of a story where Teddy uses his shapeshifting powers to make his cock smaller to fit inside Billy? Especially for their first time? As a shapeshifter, he can make the texture of his cock smoother to ease it in better, but again, Also smaller, I know it Doesn't Sound Impressive but really, it'll actually be more practical and comfortable and therefore better.
Or a Hulkling/Billy fic, where Billy is turned on by Hulking's huge size, especially here;
gekked from
pic spam...which title and issue is this? (ETA: Civil War: Young Avengers/Runaways, issue #2.)
Doesn't Billy looks kittenish there and doesn't Hulkling looks like he's petting a kitten? Awwww.
...but Of Course, what they do with Hulkling like this, is
frottage Or, since Teddy is skillful enough to form wings, I bet he can totally shapeshift his biggus dickus into a tentacle!