Morgan was beat. He unlocked the door to his home, hoping that his neighbor had already walked Clooney for the night as much as he'd missed his dog. His readybag was dropped next to the door and he stumbled in for a few steps before hitting... a chair
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A quick assessment showed that he looked right, but Reid knew that in this place, appearances could be deceiving. Still, he decided it was worth the risk.
"Morgan?" he called.
Why wasn't he surprised? Well, more surprised, because he was definitely surprised.
"Yep. That's me," he replied, waving Morgan over.
"Reid, what's going on? Why is there a bar in my house?"
...not that it wasn't a bad idea, of course.
Comes the query from a tiny--and we mean tiny, she's barely over five feet--pale girl on a chair not far from where Derek's standing. She's setting out a simple spread of cards, that upon closer inspection reveal themselves to be tarot, brailled at the top and bottom.
She had a habit of listening for the confused voices that usually signified first-timers. "Y' migh' wanna sit down, Mistah."
"Uh, yeah. This one, anyway. Don't think I want to sit down just yet, though."
"Ah've heard this 's tha bar at tha end o' tha universe...cain' say Ah really b'lieve it, but we ain' got noplace like this in N'Awlens."
No, that hadn't been what she'd said, but he was trying to figure out how this could work. Had someone grabbed him on the way home? Had he been drugged? Was he suffering some kind of stress-based, flashback delusion? Maybe head trauma from some piece of shrapnel he hadn't even felt.
"Did you just say 'rat'?"
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