Andromeda Tonks - Youknowwhereways

Apr 09, 2008 14:07

"Teddy, honey--" The boy was crying again and it was for that reason that she stepped out of the kitchen to go and pick him up from the play pen ... or she would have done so if she hadn't stepped out into some other place entirely.

She tensed, glancing around for a long moment before she resolved to simply sit down and figure out where she was.

garion of riva, racer x, thomas barnes, regulus black, andromeda tonks

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Comments 172

wellthrownstone April 9 2008, 20:09:26 UTC
A wolf that'd been asleep by the fire, still enough almost to look like a large fluffy pillow, stretched and stood from his spot before padding over to her. Big blue eyes peered at her.



nolongermoral April 9 2008, 20:14:44 UTC
She peered down at the wolf with a wary quirk of her brow.

"Don't Animagi talk anymore?" Telepathy had always squicked her.


wellthrownstone April 9 2008, 20:18:35 UTC
Well, that identifies that.

Said dryly.

I'm not an Animagus. I'm... a little different. I'd speak in the language of wolves, but I doubt you'd understand.


nolongermoral April 9 2008, 20:19:34 UTC
"Different, huh?"

She rubbed her hand over the back of her neck absently. "Look, if it's not too much trouble..I'd really like to get back to Teddy. I don't want him to have to think I disappeared."

Enough of his family already had.


recentreinstate April 9 2008, 22:55:50 UTC
"You must be new."

Safety is a new thing with Thomas Barnes. He has a book and he appears relaxed-or at least as relaxed as a Secret service agent can get.

"You look a little lost."

Did we mention his horribly annoying habit of stating the obvious to people? He can't help it, it comes with being observant.


nolongermoral April 9 2008, 22:58:48 UTC
"I don't usually walk into my living room and find it's been replaced with a bar."

He looks like a muggle, and oddly enough ... that puts her at ease. She purses her lips in a thin line and then nods. "So ... I suppose lost is as good a word as any."

Her hand is still in her pocket, gripping her wand like a lifeline.


recentreinstate April 9 2008, 23:04:38 UTC
"I was walking into a hotel room." He can only imagine how violated she'd feel, "...This place violates alot of constitutional law-you sort of get used to it."

There's a pause, "Do me a favor though, look behind you and tell me if you see the door?"

There is something calming about the man-and that's out in full force seeing as how he'd like to avoid her freaking out if she's bound.


nolongermoral April 9 2008, 23:06:29 UTC
She arches a brow at him. "First thing I checked, love. Door's still there, which is ... really not what I was expecting, really."

Because the first thing she'd thought was that it was an ambush - she could think of a handful of people who'd like to finish off her family, at least, even with the new Minster of Magic.

"I was never particularly familiar with constitutional law anyway." She offers out her hand immediately - the one not on her wand - "Andromeda Tonks."


incognitoracer April 9 2008, 22:59:52 UTC
"I'll be out in a minute Minx." Brushing Teeth is very serious business-especially for athletes and major figures like the one who's now in bar wearing a very nice pair of silk pajamas and a bathrobe.

He is suddenly glad for the bathrobe given that most men (well most guys who feel like they have an image to maintain) opt for going without pajama tops.

Thusly there is a pajamifed Secret agent/Race Car driver standing in the bar somewhere close to where Tonks is.

Luckily, he's been there before, It just-throws him for a minute.


nolongermoral April 9 2008, 23:01:36 UTC
She wonders if someone's just playing a practical joke on the lot of them.

"...looks like you and I are in the same boat." But he seemed to be the one who was worse off -- not that he was dressed immodestly, but nobody likes to be caught in a strange place wearing only their pajamas and a smile.


incognitoracer April 9 2008, 23:07:31 UTC
Racer X's eyes go hard, "...This is-is-"

He folds his arms across his chest and shakes his head, "This place hasn't grabbed me at home before."


nolongermoral April 9 2008, 23:08:16 UTC
She arches her brow when he reacts like that and purses her lips.

"Well, I was on my way to the living room." Whether that helped him feel better about it or not.


not_the_lion April 10 2008, 01:15:03 UTC
It's a voice he hasn't heard in years - and a face he hasn't seen in longer, when he does look up - but it's more than enough to snap Regulus out of his book. Whether she's actual family or at a universe's remove (as usual) remains to be seen, but either way, this... could be interesting.
"Do tell me this doesn't mean the rest of the family is going to start pouring in."
Here, Andromeda, have a not-exactly-cousin.

(OOC: For some reason, the Milliposts tend to attract Regulus from my ridiculously big Neverwhere crossover, and so I reuse my LJ. Juts a heads-up.)


nolongermoral April 10 2008, 01:40:28 UTC
Well, that confirms it.

"Bloody hell, I'm dead." She rubs a hand through her hair and tightens her grip on her wand (although it's still in her pocket). This does not bode well for anyone, she thinks -- Teddy will be all alone, and that's what causes her the most stress instantly.


not_the_lion April 10 2008, 02:05:29 UTC
"...Likely not, actually. I'm not, in any case, and not everyone here is."
Make that a universe to the side. He can't see Sirius not finding his favorite cousin and explaining what he was doing alive again.


nolongermoral April 10 2008, 02:07:02 UTC
"...o...kay." Because that makes complete and utter sense. No, really.

Just try harder, Andromeda. She scrubs her hand over her jaw. "Some sort of timeslip, then?" It's what would make the most sense, all things considered.


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