Milliways is looking awfully . . . monotonous today.
* [Cal,
milliways_bar flavor] There's an adult Cal at a table toward the middle. He has raktajino and a generous sprinkling of animal fur (on his clothes, not in the mug).
* [Cal, Mixed Muses continuity] There's a twenty-year-old Cal at the Bar, pretending that being downstairs at Milliways is conducive to studying for algebra finals.
What? When he decides he wants to study for real, he'll get a room.
* [Cal, Sunnydale AU part one] There's an eighteen-year-old Cal by the fireplace, drinking a Coke out of one of those old-fashioned glass bottles and watching the fish.
* [Cal, Sunnydale AU part two] There's a rather paler eighteen-year-old Cal in a booth toward the back. He's is also drinking out of a glass receptacle! Except it's not a bottle. And there might be a universe somewhere where the Coke is red and viscous and comes in A positive, but we doubt it.
* Did we miss any? Ask!
[OOC: This is a total impulse EP because I found out that today is John Barrowman's birthday! He's the first actor ever to play Cal, plus I don't have any other JB pups, so this seemed appropriate. Just a warning, I am MADE of flakiness with regards to tagging these days, so any slowtime longer than a day or two is probably not going to get much older.
All that said, please specify which one you want! Thanks.]