things go pear-shaped with Tiwa ...
They go arguably
even more pear-shaped. (Warning for sexual content of dubious consent in both links. Also: demons.)If you thought you'd seen Matt at the most miserable and exhausted he could get, you haven't seen him tonight. He's in the middle of the bar at a (relatively) brightly lit table, methodically
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When she comes into the bar, though, she's already looking a little tense.
She scans the bar for familiar faces -- one in particular. The sign on the board hasn't registered yet.
When it's a metaphor indeed.
"You don't think-- it didn't jump to you, did it?" How would she know? Then again, it's not like anybody had come out and asked Matt, hey buddy. do you think a demon might be pulling your strings.
"God, I didn't think of that. But I don't think so, I didn't notice anything like that."
But then, if she didn't notice, she wouldn't necessarily remember, would she?
"Ate breakfast?"
She blows out a breath.
"Would you recognize it? We could figure out some kind of diagnostic, I'll bet."
"I'm pretty certain I would, actually."
A beat.
"Unless you think you can just take a look."
"Otherwise I can rig something up. I have a lot of my preferred ingredients right here."
Because wizardry is a gift of the One via the Powers that Be, and because of Their opposition to the Lone Power's means and ends, only under the most bizarre and unusual circumstances can wizardry be used consciously by a wizard to do the Lone One's will. (Indeed, such occurrences are so extremely rare and unheard-of that some wizards are likely to say that it's impossible ( ... )
He looks up at her.
"This doesn't really say much about detecting it."
"A friend of mine was overshadowed. When we finally caught on, It just -- destroyed him. But the Lone Power doesn't work by the same rules most demons I've heard of do."
"No one has been killed," he says.
That I know of.
"And for whatever fucking reason, it's let me go twice now when it didn't have to."
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