UK day 21 Post #2 - Weymouth, for my Aussie friends

Jun 21, 2010 06:39

Weymouth is a popular holiday spot, and it's the typical English beach as we are brought up to believe they look. It's everything you'd expect!

Just look at this. Firstly - pebbles! One end of the beach, at least. The other end opens up into sand.

This beach has everything you'd expect to find on an English beach.

Punch and Judy! And donkey rides!

How good is that.

Also, beach huts that could be hired for ten pounds per day -

And deck chairs, which you could hire for one pound 80p, but couldn't take onto the sand -

This was unexpected; a memorial to the A.I.F soldiers who passed through Dorset's hospitals and training centres. The opposite side was dedicated to the NZ forces.

Finally, the White Horse of Osmington Hill - carved into the hillside in around 1808, it's a representation of King George III on horseback. We could see this from the beach.


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