LuRe fic

Sep 16, 2010 16:05

There was a stack of mobster movies on the coffee table, joined by a forgotten bowl of popcorn and the uncomfortable couch pillows. The movie flashed with gunfire and tense dialogue but Luke and Reid had long since stopped watching. Reid was pinned down, sinking into the crease between the back and the couch cushions from the weight of his lover. He stared into the glinting eyes above him thinking he would jinx it if he voiced how many times they had gotten this far before some interruption stopped them. He kept quiet holding Luke by the waist, coaxing him to begin rocking against his groin. Reid had the night off, and decided this time he would turn his phone off, at least for the two hours this movie played. He had played it out in his head, and they could probably get a good amount of fun in before the movie ended and he would chance turning his phone on again, a string of missed calls about the hospital burning down on it no less. Luke was worth it though. Luke had been hoping for a quiet night, the foundation and Grimaldi shipping had been running him into the ground with work. He thought he would get over to Katie’s apartment, sit against Reid’s warm, comforting chest and instantly fall asleep. That was before he saw Reid turn his phone off. Luke suddenly was wide awake.

Luke held Reid’s head up by the nape of his neck and gently pulled their mouths together, a string of courses heard from the T.V. He groped for the remote wanting to just mute the damn thing, but missed and knocked the popcorn over. Groaning he went to pick it up with Reid resisting his movements.

“Leave it!” He ordered, pulling Luke’s shirt out from his pants and scrambling to unbutton it. Luke helped and they soon were throwing the dress shirts aside. Reid ran a hand up Luke’s side wanting to savor the touch of his warm skin, and hungrily he bit down on Luke’s bottom lip rewarding him with a gasp from Luke. The small action made Luke grind his hips harder against Reid. Reid decided the pants had to go. The belt was fumbling in his hands, because Luke had started sucking pleasantly on his neck and it was very distracting. Finally he yanked the belt back and threw it across the room. He was done with obstructions. Pushing Luke back he switched their positions, now straddling him against the couch his pants already slipping down and revealing a bulge against Luke’s boxers. Reid’s hand slipped easily under the elastic, and he would have literally devoured the younger man if the lights hadn’t suddenly turned on.

There was a mixture of shouts that immediately followed, effectively drowning out one long curse from Reid’s lips. Luke knocked him over in his rush to grab his shirt, and pull up his pants as Katie and Chris equally shielded their eyes. Reid just sat there with his arms crossed.

“I’m so sorry.” Katie genuinely apologized, while Chris mumbled something about his eyes needing soap and Reid could have easily knocked him to the ground for his arrogance.

“Reid!” He heard Luke but couldn’t see him as his shirt smacked him in the head. “Get your clothes on.” He sighed indignantly, fed up with everything and reluctantly dressed. Buttoning his shirt he stood to angrily look at his roommate.

“I thought I had the apartment tonight!” He almost yelled but stopped, as he looked at them for the first time. They were still red faced, but they were dripping water into a large puddle at the front door.

“What the hell happened to you two?” He questioned.

“Turn off that damn T.V.” Chris said striding in, pushing a soaked stroller into Katie’s room to change little Jacob.

Sneering at Chris he shut the loud T.V. that had prevented them from hearing the door being open. When it clicked off a new sound filled the room. A continuous sheet of rain was now pounding against the windows.

“A freak rainstorm!” Katie shouted as she trudged along in her soaked dress, she turned and pulled up her lank hair so Reid could undo the zipper of her dress. “I couldn’t just stay out, I’m sorry.” She said sounding just as annoyed as Reid, before following after Chris into her bedroom. Luke was looking out the window, and whistled softly.

“Turn on the weather channel or something.” He said his face still glued to the window pane. The sun had set and Reid could only make out a steady blur against the window, so he turned the T.V. back on, turning it down some as well.

“Flash flood warnings are now in effect for the Chicago area as a band of storms works its way Northeast. Tomorrow the storms will impact much of the morning commute for many New Yorkers, but for now most of Illinois should stay inside as the severe wave of storms will work itself across the state through the early hours of the morning. These storms will cause further flooding in…..” Luke was already gathering his things together as the reporter garbled on, the image phasing in and out.

“Where are you going?” Reid asked with an underlying ‘are you crazy’.

“I need to make sure my family is ok.” Reid jumped up off the couch, catching his crazed blond by the shoulders. “Have you never heard of a phone?” Luke showed him the non-existent bars as he rushed out the door. Reid stood frazzled before grabbing his coat and Katie’s umbrella from the closet. Katie caught him before he shut the door.

“Where are you going?” He heard the underlying ‘are you crazy’ and was happy he was rubbing off on someone.

“Mr. Snyder is worried about his clan and their safety. I can’t let him go alone in this tsunami.” He said closing the door. He thought of something and quickly popped his head back through the doorway. “Don’t think I’m forgiving you for this. I’m not.” Katie put her hands on her hips indignantly.

“And if you get laid tonight instead of me I swear to god I will never speak to you again.” Katie just responded with a flat, “Take care of yourself,” shaking her head slightly. He had to rush to catch Luke at the elevators.

“You don’t have to come.”

“What and miss you swimming through the river Styx? Never.” Luke rolled his eyes, but the smile tugging on his lips was hard to hide. When they got off at the lobby an ominous thundering echoed in the distance and suddenly the flowery umbrella in his hand felt extremely small. Standing at the exit they already knew they would be wet for weeks after tonight.


As they left Katie’s apartment the scuffs of their pants became moist but the umbrella held back the worst of the rain. That is until it started raining sideways. Then umbrella had been thrown aside when a gust of wind tore through the wimpy thing like paper. They hadn’t lasted two seconds dry. Driving down to his mother’s house slowly the rain got to waterfall-like proportions until they could feel the gusts of wind trying to throw the car off the road. Luke just gave a wide eyed look over at Reid who refused to remove his arms from the place they were now welded to across his chest. When they arrived at Lilly’s even the ten foot walk to the front door was enough to soak them to the bone. When someone finally opened the door it seemed only Lily and Lucinda were inside. The older matriarch laughed at the sight of the two ragged men, as Lily hurried them inside.

“Luke!” She threw her arms around him, making a squish sound as she squeezed. “I’ve been trying to call.”

“Yeah service is down all over the place.”

“Dr. Oliver?” She questioned, and Reid tried hard not to roll his eyes. He just waved politely, as Luke interjected, “Where is everybody?”

“The kids are down at Emma’s but Faith, I can’t get a hold of her. She said she would be in Old Towne with Liberty and Parker but I can’t reach any of them, and I’m beginning to worry.”

“Don’t Mom. We’ll go look for them, and then we’ll head on over to Emma’s to ride out the rest of the storm.” The doctor groaned as he shook some water off still standing somewhat in the doorway. Lucinda approached him too eagerly smiling to not look menacing.

“And what are you mulling about?” Reid gave a ‘wtf’ stare to Luke but didn’t get any help there.

“I don’t know why we have to go look for your grandchildren?”

Lucinda’s smile grew a little. “Big strapping men like Luke know what is expected of them. Maybe you’ll learn a thing or two about being a man, from my grandson.”

“Possibly, I just think you and your daughter would float a lot better out there with all your Botox than either me or Luke.” Lily scoffed rearing up for an attack, but Lucinda’s laughter stopped her in her tracks filling the room with its booming nature.

“Darling, the last person to insult me ended up bankrupt and eating out of a garbage can.”

“No wonder this town is such a dump, you are such an easy target after all. Has everyone in this town insulted your grandmother?” Reid said with a playful inquisitiveness that made Luke turn away horrified and just a little amused at this clash of wit and towering ego.

“Luke, where did you find this wonderful specimen? He is two parts the charm of a rotting fish, and a mouth that doesn’t know when to quit.” She said almost threateningly, but the ghost of a smile (or a sneer) lingered slightly.

“He does have a way with words doesn’t he?” Luke said fondly as he stepped back to stand side by side with the doctor. His grandmother laughed giving them both a look over as if ticking off lines on a list in her head.

“Well you certainly won’t have as many fans as Noah had.”

“I’ve never been one for the limelight. I hear it makes you somewhat of a prick.” He shot back as Lucinda just nodded her head with a sly grin replacing her Cheshire cat smile. Lily on the other hand looked like her head was going to explode. She stared wide eyed at her son for help, so he grabbed Reid by the shoulders steering him out the door.

“We should leave.” He said waving over his shoulder. “Nice chatting with you, grandmother! We’ll find Faith.” And they were out of the door faster than Lily could begin whining back into worst of the storm.

They slammed the doors as they returned from their fruitless quest to the first of the Snyder homes, feeling like they had just taking a shower with all their clothes on.

“What the hell was that?” Luke said his head thrown back against the headrest of his car, and a smile on his lips.

“You tell me?” Reid said knocking the side of his head as if he had just resurfaced from a community pool.

“You were like two bulls butting heads.”

Reid contemplated this for a second before shaking his head. “It was more like we were comparing dick sizes.” Luke slapped him harshly, before starting the car.

“My grandmother wasn’t kidding. If she doesn’t like you she will get rid of you.”

Reid scoffed, “What is it with your family having mobster like tendencies?” Luke didn’t respond but an image of Damian meeting Reid flashed through his mind and he had to smile. These antagonistic ways of talking to each other was a way of sizing the other person up, and he had a fuzzy feeling in his stomach that his grandmother as well as his, sometimes misplaced attempts at affection, father approved of a man whose ego seemed to mirror theirs. Whether that was a good or bad thing was still waiting to be decided.  They took off towards Oakdale’s town square.


“How is it raining harder!?” The rain was sounding like bullets against the windshield as they gathered the courage to leave the car and run to Java on their search for the lost Snyder. A crack of lightening and a deep, all encompassing rumble of thunder shook the car and set the lights of Old Towne twinkling.

“Luke,” Reid pleaded but the determination was resolute in his boyfriend’s eyes. He was determined to get pneumonia. He squeezed Luke’s hand, shaking his head with a look that said he couldn’t believe they were actually doing this and on three they both ventured out into the downpour. For a second they could not even find each other, but using the car as a guide Luke caught hold of the doctor for dear life. They somehow stumbled into the first establishment they could find. The door was hard to shut, but with both of their efforts they closed it finally collapsing onto the floor at the foot of the door.

“Luke!” Practically all the patron’s of Java exclaimed when the noise of pounding water was flushed back outside. Faith ran over hugging her brother as if they hadn’t seen each other in months. Liberty and Parker had stood, looking relieved, and Noah also looked over his bar keep to see the two weathered men.

“Have any of you been able to get in contact with your parents?” The teenagers all shook their heads, and so Luke pulled himself out of the puddle they had created.

“I told mom I would take you to Grandma Emma’s. She has a storm cellar and you’re all welcome to join us.” As he scanned the room his gaze landed on Noah who looked away immediately. “You’re also welcome Noah.” The dark haired young man just raised an eyebrow at Reid who was now lifting himself off of the cold ground.

“Don’t be stupid on my account.” The doctor spoke up. “The storm isn’t supposed to get clear of Oakdale until midnight.” This little fact seemed to make Noah internally groan, narrowing his eyes at the doctor. Luke shook his head exasperatedly as he helped the teenagers gather their things and pack purses in enough newspaper to ensure things would not be completely lost to the torrents of water. Noah held back for a moment, stubbornly trying to go down with his ship, but ultimately he put aside his apron. He grabbed the keys so he could lock up and joined them at the door. To Reid’s bemusement they all held hands like children to reach the car. He brought up the rear grabbing hold of Noah’s hand, both uncomfortably squirming the yards to the car.  Somehow as they scrambled into the car Reid got squeezed into the back as Noah fit his way into the front of the SUV. If he was a lesser man he might just feel a little annoyed but he was more upset at the teenager than riding shotgun. The chattering in his ears was enough to make him go crazy. As soon as the doors shut the girls started crying about clothes and hair, and Parker moaned about his shoes. Then as the rain lessened a little the cell phones came out for reassurances and locations. A crack of lightening made the girls yelp and Reid was ready to just open a door and throw himself out.


They reached the house with the wind whipping dangerously around their chilled bodies and the kids ran out wanting to get out of the cold and rain as fast as their feet could take them.

“You ok?” Luke said smiling at the dazed look on his face.

“I will never get used to your family.” Reid said stumbling out. Rain lashed out in all directions, but it was a little light compared to the pelting from before. He pulled his arms farther around himself the air colder than he would have liked. He looked at the time in the glint of his glistening phone. Not even eleven. He hoped the forecasters had been wrong and the storm was coming to an end. He at least wanted to get some sleep that night. The house was dark and little kids, as well as adults roamed around in the dark.

“Luke!” Again a group cried in unison. A woman knocked him and everyone around Luke out of the way as she threw herself at him. The candles on the table shined warmly on the grandmother and Reid smiled even as he smoothed a sore spot on his butt and picked himself up off the ground.

“Grandma Emma? I’m drenched,” He giggled at her fussing.

“We need to get you all out of these clothes!” She exclaimed eagerly.

“What happened to the lights?”

A man spoke from the other side of the room. “I was about to go and turn on the generator, but I was waiting for the storm to pass some.” Luke’s father stepped forward, patting his son on the arm. He strained to look at the other people in the room. “Noah, I hope you’re not too wet.” His gaze landed on the silent doctor. “Dr. Oliver?”

“Why is everybody still so surprised?” He mumbled under his breath, nodding uncomfortably.

Holden cleared his throat speaking apologetically, “I don’t know how comfortable the house will be under the current circumstances.”

“That’s alright I’ll sleep in the barn.” He said sarcastically.

“Now, now,” The older woman frowned, “We have had family reunions where family members had to sleep in the barn, and I’ll tell you this is nothing compared to the year of 96.” Most of the people mulling about the living room, gathering blankets and herding small children, murmured in agreement. Luke laughed reminiscing, “I think a lot of us slept in chairs just so we wouldn’t have to sleep with the guys in the barn. The next morning we cleared out so we didn’t have to smell them when they came in.”

“We didn’t smell that bad.” Holden responded getting his coat around his shoulders and it made Reid smile a little.

“Don’t worry about it Dad, me and Reid are wetter than if you had thrown us into the pond. We’ll go out and get the generator before coming in to get changed.”

The doctor sighed, “You’re so considerate Luke,”

“Come on Doctor!” He said again pushing the man by the shoulders out the back door. Holden tried to protest but, even Reid was convincing him it was a better idea for the two raggedy and drenched men to go back into the rain. It was now just sprinkling and Reid was thinking of just going back to Katie’s expecting the Snyder farm to be a full house tonight. He followed Luke back across the property but stopped transfixed by the infamous Snyder pond.

He had to stop and take a breath, awed by the dark landscape. Experiences like these made him entirely grateful that Luke had strong armed him into coming to the small insignificant town. He would hardly admit to it, but it was nice to have this many people smile when you entered a room. The water looked like it was spilling over to the near woods as the rain filled it to maximum capacity and it looked eerie. The dark reflections made it seem like it could easily gobble you up without the slightest noise, and yet it was beautiful. Like nothing he had ever seen before. The moist ground barely made a sound but he felt Luke approach like the soft droplets gently dotting his forehead.

“We should come back when the weather doesn’t want to kill us.” Luke said playfully.

“I would like that.” Reid responded softly. Luke wrapped his arms around him sweetly, looking at him curiously.

“Are you being serious?”

“I don’t hate everything Luke. Plus I’ve heard some pretty racy stories about this pond from Katie. What do you say to some skinny dipping in the near future?”

Luke smiled the most modest of smiles as he looked away, “As much as that sounds like fun you never know who will drop by the farm. Do you really want to be spied in the nude by some of my family members?”

“There’s only one person I want to see me naked and right now we are woefully being kept apart by a god with a sick sense of humor.” Reid dropped his head onto Luke’s shoulder, allowing Luke to gently begin stroking his head in an almost comforting nature.

“Come on, let’s get this generator going and I’ll get you out of your clothes.” Luke whispered slyly pulling away mischievously. Luke pulled the doctor along to the barn, just as a menacing gust of wind threatened to blow them over. Reid stepped inside and hollered, “The smell!”

Luke just laughed running along to the back past neighing and hoofs stomping. Reid eyed a horse that looked back with an almost squint in his eyes.

“You’re surprised too? Well I’m here and I’m not going anywhere so get used to it.” The horses brayed offended and turned its hind on Reid. Luke inquired from behind a piece of machinery.

“Who are you talking to?”

“Just myself,” Reid shook his head and rounded on the generator to see Luke with a frown on his features.


“Maybe maybe not…. Use the flashlight that’s over on the work table to shine some light over here.” When Reid finally found the giant torch and shined it around, he saw Luke had gotten some tools and was tinkering away. Reid was intrigued but at the same time anxious. With the way Luke had spoken to him maybe the night would not be a complete loss. Luke was quite the handy man, and Reid had to admit something about a ‘hands on’ kind of man turned him on.  Something slammed into the side of the barn making them both jump at the sudden sound.

Luke quickly put the tools down and tried kick starting the generator again. After a couple of failed attempts it flared into life with a loud grinding. “Let’s go,” He exclaimed as outside the ominous sound of heavy rain began to drill into their ears. When they opened the barn door it was harshly yanked out of their grips and the horses frightened into hysterics. The next wave of storms had quickly stirred into the area like a hurricane. The lights of the house shone like a safety beacon, but there was no reaching it now. The sound of another large branch hitting the barn had them scrambling to shut the door.

“Dammit!” Reid said leaning against the door. “Give me a break!” He yelled to the ceiling.

“I guess we’re stuck here until it passes.” Reid’s groan made Luke pull at him. “Come on,” Reid allowed himself to be dragged along head hung in complete misery. “There’s a place that doesn’t smell so bad.” Reid looked skeptical but followed. Back near the generator was a wooden ladder that lead up to a loft.

“Is that safe?” Reid asked shaking the ladder with a cocked brow. “I mean what if the rain blows the top off this place.”

“Unless it’s a tornado, which it’s not, we’ll be fine. Do you want to smell like shit on top of everything else?” Luke effortlessly climbed onto the large loft kicking hay down as he reached the landing. Reid sighed and reluctantly followed. When he pulled himself over the top he saw Luke placing a large picnic like blanket over the hay. He sat on the blanket surrounded by mounds of hay and starting to take his soppy shirt off. A thought struck Reid. They were alone. There was not a chance of any kind of disruptions at least until the storm passed. Apart from the smell they were in an ideal fantasy local. How many pornos have a barn sex scene complete with a romp in hay? Luke was taking off his jeans when Reid pounced. Luke’s laughing was almost drowned out by rumbles of thunder and the generator humming mildly below them. “What are you doing?” He asked pinned to the uncomfortable and itchy bedding.

“I’m helping you get your clothes off.” He said smiling mischievously his hands already on Luke’s boxers. Luke pushed him back into the hay taking Reid’s shirt by the ends and pulling hungrily. Buttons popped off against the strain, but they were soon forgotten with more clothes joining them. The soft feel of Luke’s lips against his own made him forget of the hay now poking into his back despite the thick blanket they were laying on. He would make do. He had been waiting too long to get Luke to straddle him naked. Luke slid easily onto his lap their groins grinding pleasantly together. He pulled Luke closer a hand on the back of his neck and easily deepened the kisses. Gasps of breath soon filled the air. Reid slipped his hand between their bodies grasping Luke fully with his fist. Luke made a wonderful sound that made Reid hungry for more. Pushing Luke onto his back, he trailed kisses down his stomach ready to give him the best blowjob of his life. The doors to the barn flew open, and they both stopped at the sudden crash. Two people rushed to close the doors against the wind.

“Luke!” Cried his grandmother, and Luke gave Reid a horrified expression. “I know what you’re doing Luke and if I didn’t let your mother and your father do it in the barn what makes you think I’ll allow you to.”

“Listen to your grandmother Luke!” Holden shouted as two bundles were tossed up onto the loft.

“Oh my god! Does the whole town now when we’re going to have sex!” Reid shouted, and Luke looked redder than a beet as he pulled on the new clothes that had been brought to them.

“Come on, this is my house and my rules!”

Reid gave Luke a glare, grumbling, “I think I like Lucinda better.” They made their way down like children chastised. Holden led them through the gale where they made it to the house relatively dry, and where all the adults had that knowing glint in their eye. With that apparently taken care of, the house settled into a quiet doze, people finally retreating to their makeshift beds, the side show over for the moment. Grandma Emma sent Luke to his room, and led the doctor over to a place in the corner of the living room, but he didn’t stay long. Taking his pillow, and shamelessly ignoring the ‘rules of the house’ he made his way to Luke’s room. When he shut the door behind him, Luke shook his head.

“My grandmother is going to kill you if she finds you in here.”

“Shut up.” Reid said annoyed. “We are two consenting adults, we are dating and we should be allowed to at least share a bed together. Now scoot, the living room his freezing.” Luke pulled up the covers giving access to the enraged doctor.  They took a couple minutes of shuffling and inadvertent groping to find a comfortable position. Luke held the doctor to him, his arms wrapped around his chest and his chin resting on Reid’s head.

“Snyder’s you win this time.” Reid said in all seriousness making Luke laugh, his chest rumbling pleasantly against Reid’s back. “You will be mine Luke!” He exclaimed and Luke grabbed the man by the chin, turning his head. “Go to sleep, it’s been a long day.” He kissed him softly. Lips ghosting over each other, as Luke sighed happily. Reid listened to him for now. He was already planning for his next day off where he would finally beat the cock-blockers. Until then he would have to be satisfied with this feeling of being complete with the person he loved, and if he was more of a romantic person he would have to admit this felt just as good as the feeling of Luke’s hard penis in his hand. But he wasn’t a more romantic person; he was just a man with a severe case of blue balls.

atwt, luke/reid, fanfiction

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