Windows Can Die In a F***ing Fire..... I Love You All

Jul 25, 2008 14:59

Much thanks to those people who were giving me advice in the previous computer troubles post. I've definitely been missing in action lately, so please forgive me for being late to replying to some of your concerns and commenting on your journals. Overall the reformatting was successful. I'm here, right now typing this all from my laptop after ( Read more... )

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Comments 4

mageraine July 25 2008, 19:21:57 UTC

flurid_cube July 25 2008, 21:26:58 UTC
They died as those of us you left behind went all Kill Bill on your space gang >=(


soless July 25 2008, 21:51:06 UTC
Do you need the dice scripts again? I can send those to you if they're not in your e-mail.

Also, are you remembering to change your passwords and check your bank statements?


vitupera July 26 2008, 06:28:44 UTC
Wow, whoever your trainer is, she's tough. o.O;;

Yeah, see, I run windows too, and the closer I get to having to switch to Vista, the more attractive Linux looks.


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