Another meme xDD

Jun 03, 2008 16:52

stolen from: kgsandbearLeave a comment and I will ( Read more... )


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Comments 57

spazzimidori June 3 2008, 10:23:05 UTC
*glomp* Serii-pyonnnn~


mitsukiyame13 June 3 2008, 10:48:20 UTC
xDxD [I'll so~ get back at you xDD]

1) Because you seemed like a nice person [and you are]
2) I don't know why, but I tend to associate you with Gunter because of your username xD

(spazzimidori = spasms = Gunter)

[Don't hit me~] xD
3) We're both Filipinos, and we have the same name 8D xDD and you don't hate Conrad~ *celebrates* xDDD
4) I remembered the first time we talked... we were like.. taking the whole page up xDD [That tends to happen with the people I talk to xDD]
5) Hmm. lemme see~ OH~ Why is MuraYuu [AKA= YuM xD] your OTP? xD
6) fave userpic? The one with Gisela! 'cause it looks cool~ Swear, who did you get it from? ^^;;

Ha. I'm done. xD

See ya D-chan~ xP


spazzimidori June 3 2008, 11:01:48 UTC
1) Eeee~ ^_^
2) Quite true. My friends do associate me with Gunter because I = spazzy = fangirl = Gunter. XD
3) Yay!~ XD
4) Really? Whole page? When? Where? *hit by UFO*
5) Cool, YuM. Well, that is one of the reasons! *shot* Because it is so cute and asfljdlkfajsdlfjasd;ljaes I saw cool fanarts of it and they are my top two favorite characters and... ♥♥♥
6) I got the image from PDK. Then I edited it. :D
7) Done! Kyahaha. XD


mitsukiyame13 June 3 2008, 11:27:02 UTC
@ number 6: Ne, what did you use? What texture?

SHOW ME~~~ *begs* please @____@


femaleshinigami June 3 2008, 13:20:18 UTC
Oh, what the heck XD I did this once, but I can do it again :) I'll just post it in a few days, if that's all right with you. I am having a few quiet days on LJ, due to some fammily stuff. *hugs*


mitsukiyame13 June 4 2008, 03:58:48 UTC
Nah. I don't really mind ^^

Aww. *hugs back to comfort you on those family stuff*

1) Why? Because you seem like you're one of those serious-but-happy at te same time kind of person xD I dunno why I think like that, but meh. Also, because you complimented me on those icons xDD
2) The equation 1 x 2 xDDD Practically obvious for you already xDD I just noticed that DuoxHeero = your OTP xDD
3) Your header in your layout is <3 xDD *shot* Okay, aside from that, your mood theme xDD LOL, and the fact that even though we aren't close, I think you're a very talented person :) [I dunno. I somehow see potential xD]
4) Your Wolfram/Yuuri fanart that you posted on your LJ. That was GOOOOOOD even if you copied from an original ^^
5) If it's not to personal, how old are you? *shot*
Swear, I'm just curious.
6) The one with Snape xDD [I'm allergic to idiots]
7) ne. I'm done ^^ umm. Condolences to your auntie.. (",)


femaleshinigami June 4 2008, 07:43:38 UTC
*cuddles in the hug*

1. Me? Serious? Naaaaah :P Well, I do act a little to grown up at times, but on other I act childlish, so it's balanced ^___^

2.Yeah, Duo and Heero are my fav pairing of all times ^__^ Actualy, GW was the only fandom I followed, besides the ocasional Harry Potter. Now, KKM became my second fandom, and Yuuram/Wulyuu my OTPs :)
3. Yeah, I loved the image too, so I had to have that layout :) I like looking at it :D And the mood theme [the SPN one] is a new addition,and I fell in love with it, even thou I am not crazy about SPN. I like it, and all. But the mood theme was awesome 8D And thank you :) I don't considder myself that talented, but I try my best ^___^
4. Thanks again :D Glad you liked it *blush*
5. Hahaha, it's ok. I'm 19, well, almost 20. But I refuse to have my 20'th birth day XD I will have my 19 plus birthday XD
6. Hahaha, that one is oooold, made it when I first joined LJ :P
7. And thanks again *hugs*


mitsukiyame13 June 4 2008, 07:48:11 UTC
Welcome ^^

5.) 19+ birthday xDD Lol. Again, it amazes me that people in LJ act like they're all the same age ^^ It's like a getaway point from all the boring business people we see in the news these days xD

6.) It looks cute xD Although I don't really prefer Snape xD

Hugs ^^

PS: Purdy Wolfram icon @_____@ *Ogles.* xD


kgsandbear June 4 2008, 02:36:10 UTC


mitsukiyame13 June 4 2008, 04:06:16 UTC

1) Cause you're spazzimidori's friend xD And that you love KG xD [I think] I mean, how can a person who loves KG be a bad person? O_o xD Oh. and because you love KKM.[duh]
2) Panda. xD Need I say more? xDD
3) You're nice ^^ Even though we haven't really talked to each other that well, you still added me as a friend ^^
4) A memory of you? When I was still a noob here in LJ [I've only been here for around a month] I always see your name around the communities xD. xD
5) Hmmm~ I dunno.. Uh. Who's your favorite KKM character? [aside from KG and/or Ryan xD]
6) Your MuraKGRam OT3 Icon. Why? Because I lol everytime I see it xDD
7) I'm done~ xD


kgsandbear June 4 2008, 04:44:35 UTC
2) Everyone says panda!
4) Yay I'm getting famous... actually I haven't been participating in the comms as much lately ^^;;;
5) Shinou. With Shouri a close second.
6) lizard_little made that for me!


mitsukiyame13 June 4 2008, 04:49:58 UTC
2) Obviously xD
5) You like characters that start with Sh? xDD j/k
6) I see~ must've had a hard time erasing stuff from KG cause of the curves xD


starrose17 June 4 2008, 10:58:31 UTC
Hey I had to delete the Week 8 polls in kkm_caption cos it was messing me around again, so if you voted you need to do it again ^_^


mitsukiyame13 June 6 2008, 04:17:54 UTC
You're sneaky aren't you? killing 2 birds with one stone? [or in this case, getting to messages across with one post]

1) tell you why I friended you,
2) associate you with something - fandom, a song, a color, a photo, etc.,
3) tell you something I like about you,
4) tell you a memory I have of you,
5) ask something I've always wanted to know about you,
6) tell you my favorite user pic of yours,
7) in return, you must post this in your LJ.

1) 'Cause you're nice, and you're one of the first people I've met here on LJ
2) HarryDraco slash! xD Need I say more? xD
3) You're a nice mod ^^ And you seem like a very open person [In the internet at least]
4) It's very recent, but the thing we discussed in kkm_caption About McDonald's delivering xD I was like. OMG LOL.
5) Ne, what's your job? [cause I don't know what to ask]
6) I took 30 minutes just looking at all of them xDD I like a lot, but I love this one "S** ... Has anyone seen my socks?"
7) in return, you must post this in your LJ.


starrose17 June 6 2008, 08:26:26 UTC
lol Well, actually I wasn't, cos i don't post those thing on my LJ cos i don't remember anything about anyone ^^;;. It really was that i just needed to tell you about the comm polls lol.

But, to answer your question about my job, i have the most boring job in the world. We make plastic identification ear tags for cattle and sheep.


mitsukiyame13 June 6 2008, 08:29:24 UTC
I see~

plastic Identification ear tags? what do you do?


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