You may or may not have heard of crack_van , which is one of the more reliable reccing communities out there. I've provided recs a couple of times and it's always a lot of fun, but they're always wavering right on the edge of running out of reccers for DC comics, so I thought I'd put out a call here! It's easy and fun-- four fics recced a month, with some
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I know some people really liked the scans I posted of Guy Gardner and Kyle Rayner, so you'll be as jazzed as I am to hear of the creation of guy_kyle, for all your Guy/Kyle needs (and you have them, oh yes, I know you do). ^-^
The World's Finest Gift Exchange is running again this year! I was going back over some of my stories from previous years and realized that one of my favorite stories of the year usually comes from the WFGEs. There's something special about knowing you're writing something that a specific person wants--that's a big part of the appeal of yuletide as well
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kirax2 has written a story called " Rara Avis," which is an AU of "The House of the Earth" and gives a possible answer to the burning question of where Dick Grayson is in that universe. It's certainly a must-read for all Dick fans, as it shows brilliantly how such an amazing child would get by in such a brutal world. Kirax is a wonderful, deft
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