Dear Yuletide Writer!

Nov 10, 2009 09:18

First off, thanks so much for being willing to write one of these fandoms! Please treat any of my plot suggestions as entirely optional--follow your heart and write something you love and will be proud of, and that's the best Yuletide gift of all. Feel free to give my list of things I like a look if you want. My thoughts below are just to give ( Read more... )


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Comments 19

isilweth November 10 2009, 01:00:50 UTC
Yay Yuletide!


mithen November 17 2009, 14:44:15 UTC
I got my assignment, yay! It was very vague so after blanking for a bit I've finally got my bearings, I think, and will be off soon after some research!


arch_schatten November 10 2009, 05:53:41 UTC
Yesss graveyard bookkkk

A gift for everyone!


mithen November 17 2009, 14:51:13 UTC
I have strong suspicions I will end up with either Blue Beetle or Boston I shall have to write the Graveyard Book one myself, alas! :) How I suffer...


dizmo November 10 2009, 07:57:53 UTC
G'Kar and Londo dancing.

I think I would give my left arm to see that.

... Or someone's left arm, at least.


mithen November 17 2009, 14:55:26 UTC
I will so write it myself if it is not meant to be mine. :) G'Kar/Londo fans of the world, unite!


amatara November 10 2009, 19:14:42 UTC
Mmmmm, the more I think about your dancing prompt, the more I realize I want to write it, too! I even caught myself thinking up a plot for it while driving home from work just now... :) If no one picks it up in Yuletide, we might need to have a ritual fight over who gets to do it ( ... )


dizmo November 11 2009, 02:28:53 UTC
Fine Brevari for all! Yaaaaay! We shall drink until we... become one with our inner selves! ;)


amatara November 11 2009, 21:10:54 UTC
Heh, mithen's been gone for just one day, and we're already having Brivari parties at her LJ!! :)

I read your Londo & G'Kar & Vir prompt, by the way, and second it wholeheartedly! And I'm so happy to know there are more fans of these characters out there that wouldn't mind Londo and G'Kar being slashed (with or without tentacles, lol!). I've been looking for ages, hoping I can seduce some people into reading and/or writing some Londo/G'Kar fic, but hard found anyone - or at least anyone who admits to liking the pairing :) . Then I bumped into mithen and now you, yay!

Oh, about that prompt of yours: d'you know that something like that has actually been written? Right here. The same author has also written lovely Londo/G'Kar slash and gen, as have selenak and andrastewhite - the latter even involving tentacles. *g*

(sorry I'm rambling - I do that if I get enthusiastic. :) )


mithen November 17 2009, 15:00:58 UTC
Gah, I am so behind on responding to comments, forgive me!

Mmmmm, the more I think about your dancing prompt, the more I realize I want to write it, too! I even caught myself thinking up a plot for it while driving home from work just now... :)

Oh, do not hold back if it wants to be written! I would love to see it, and if my take would be different than yours I'll happily write my own!

You know, I've never done RP of any kind! This time of year is definitely not good for me (I'll be lucky to get done the gift exchange fics on my plate!), but we can see what the new year brings, perhaps. :)

And I had no idea dizmo was a G'Kar/Londo fan until I saw her Yuletide letter! *flails* I'm so happy! Seeing the odds increase of getting some Yuletide fic with the two of them featured makes me ALL KINDS OF JOYOUS.


starsandsea November 10 2009, 19:16:35 UTC
I just have to say how awesome that prompt is for Blue Beetle. *flails*


isilweth November 11 2009, 05:19:22 UTC
Seconding that opinion with a double flail.


mithen November 18 2009, 05:42:52 UTC
Eeeeee at your icon! That's wonderful! *bounces*


mithen November 18 2009, 04:57:09 UTC
I'm really fond of both of them! I might have to write them sometime. :) That's one nice thing about Yuletide, I'm ending up anxious to write any of the ones that don't get picked up!


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