An Innocent Cicisbeo, Chapter 4

Jun 20, 2014 09:20

Title: An Innocent Cicisbeo (4/5)
Characters: Clark Kent/Bruce Wayne; Wonder Woman, Alfred Pennyworth, Dick Grayson, Martha Kent, Jonathan Kent
Fandom: DC Comics
Warnings/Spoilers: None
Rating: R
Word Count: 4500
Summary: Kal continues his campaign to seduce Bruce Wayne. Meanwhile both of them--unbeknownst to each other--try to unravel the ( Read more... )

ch: wonder woman, series: an innocent cicisbeo, ch: clark kent, ch: jonathan kent, ch: alfred pennyworth, ch: dick grayson, ch: bruce wayne, ch: martha kent, p: clark/bruce

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Comments 15

anonymous June 20 2014, 08:43:03 UTC
You have outdone yourself yet again.

"He lasted three days."
Words do not describe how hard I laughed!!! I though I had ruptured an organ!!!!!!!

"you worthless parasite", "you condescending coxcomb".
I LOVED every bit of Kal's dressdown of Bruce.( I don't even know what a coxcomb is yet) I was cheering at every insult, GET'EM KAL....THATS RIGHT, FUSS HIM OUT!!!! ( good thing I was alone or I would have been taken away in a strait jacket).

Needless to say I am greatlly enjoying this fic. :)


mithen June 20 2014, 14:05:02 UTC
Words do not describe how hard I laughed!!! I though I had ruptured an organ!!!!!!!

Hey, three days is quite a long time to avoid someone like Kal! :) But I admit I liked that little one-line section, lol!

I also really did enjoy writing Kal losing his temper at Bruce and letting him have it! I think once he knows what Bruce is doing with free time that'll make a difference, but boy, he did have it coming, didn't he?

I'm so glad you're enjoying! I'm almost done writing the climax now, eee!


northernwalker June 20 2014, 13:13:36 UTC
Right, where's my frying pan? *whaps Bruce- again*

The reasons Kal ascribed to him were all wrong, but what did reasons matter? The actions were the same.

So, Bruce finally got a clue- it's only taken him a few years. *whaps him again*


mithen June 20 2014, 14:07:07 UTC
I would shield Bruce from your whapping, but...nah, he deserves it here. *stands aside* Still, I will be happy to have them on the same page at last!


northernwalker June 20 2014, 14:50:23 UTC
By which point he will hopefully be well-chastised!


bradygirl_12 June 20 2014, 16:43:03 UTC
Yes, the one-line section is priceless! ;)

I enjoyed Kal lacing into Bruce. Even with the greatest of motivations and intentions, Bruce doesn't realize how much he hurt Clark.

Poor, put-upon Alfred! :)

Oh, dear, Dick and the children are going to be in dire straits unless the Trinity can help them! Nice that he named Clark and Diana as Bruce's mates. And Bruce knew he sounded childish with his retort but Dick always could more than hold his own with him. ;)

Nice scene with Jonathan and Martha! Very typical of them not to use Bruce's money but save it in case he wanted it back. I would have spent it all, heh heh.


mithen June 22 2014, 13:36:29 UTC
I enjoyed Kal lacing into Bruce. Even with the greatest of motivations and intentions, Bruce doesn't realize how much he hurt Clark.

That sequence was quite fun to write. :) Clark is capable of a lot of forgiveness, but not if he thinks the person isn't worthy of it.

And I didn't realize the Kents didn't spend that money until Martha was offering to give it back! But of course they wouldn't have, especially since Clark started sending them some as well...


navaan June 20 2014, 17:29:47 UTC
He lasted three days.

Oh, poor, adorable, stupid, Bruce.

I loved the chapter and how all the different parts are coming together now. Bruce refusing Clark, because he's married to Clark. And Clark's accusations and his wish not to see him anymore now, is what leas Bruce to search for him... and at the same time all the heros are suddenly awayre that others are out there too and have no idea how all of this adds up yet. That is going to be so delicious. :D


mithen June 22 2014, 13:40:24 UTC
Bruce refusing Clark, because he's married to Clark

*facepalm* It really is bitterly funny, and Clark does realize it. Just...geez, Bruce. *facepalms more* I am halfway through the scene that gets them on the same page and I broke off writing there specifically because I knew it would be easy to get back into it--but it's killing me to have it half-written, argh!


starsandsea June 20 2014, 18:01:40 UTC
Such rank ingratitude would be beneath me."

Eeee, Alfred! :D

he would have drugged Alfred and dragged him back to the Manor long ago, except that he was fairly certain Alfred would just show up the next day, unflappable as always

Oh Bruce... and ALFRED.

He lasted three days.

Heh, yes, somehow I am not surprised. :p

Harvey Dent, who had had a fair amount to drink and was clearly on the verge of mentioning some useful information about the upcoming vote on the Abolition Act

Harvey! I was so pleased to see him mentioned...

Lois put a hand on his shoulder. "I ask only because you look desperately unhappy, my friend," she murmured.

Kal couldn't even find the heart to shake her hand off. He felt suddenly weary and lost. "I believe I shall retire for the evening," he said, and Lois nodded and squeezed his shoulder.

*pets Kal* I really loved Lois here, too! :)

"I would advise against it, sir."

"What?" Bruce glared blearily at him.

"It is one in the afternoon, sir."

Hee! But oh, Bruce seems so tired here...

Let the only broken ( ... )


mithen June 22 2014, 13:45:12 UTC
That is SUCH an appropriate icon! *grins*

Heh, yes, somehow I am not surprised. :p

Three whole days! He was actually rather proud of himself. :)

Harvey! I was so pleased to see him mentioned...

Wouldn't he be good in a Regency world? He was always rather a dandy to begin with...

Hee! But oh, Bruce seems so tired here...

Being a vigilante in a world with so little technology feels like it would be extra-dangerous and extra-exhausting!

Eeee, Martha! I was so pleased to see her and Jonathan!

I know! I didn't really expect them to show up, but then I realized that Bruce would probably really feel like he should finally go check on Clark and apologize, and there they were!

Thanks so much for the wonderful comment, Star! I'm almost done with the big reveal and can't wait to get it posted soooon!


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