Title: The World's Greatest Detective Has a Belated Epiphany
Pairing/Characters: Bruce/Clark, Alfred
Rating: PG
Warnings/Spoilers: None
Fandom: DC Comics
Summary: When Dick Grayson runs off with Roy Harper, Bruce Wayne is horrified--because he knows Clark Kent is on his way to the Manor to tell Bruce he's in love with Dick! Luckily, Bruce is ready
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Comments 25
Alfred's responses are the best ever. Well, it's Alfred, so that's a given.
I'm glad it came to a happy ending though! And watching poor Alfred endure Bruce in the beginning - love makes fools of the best of us indeed!
Also, poor long-suffering Alfred is off dusting something furiously right about now, I suspect. *grin*
"The World's Greatest Detective. Just where did you get that title from, a Cracker Jack box? A gumball machine?"
Oh snap, Clark.
This was hilarious. Bruce's counting of items cracked me up unexpectedly. XD
It kind of did me too! It seemed one of those things a guy like Bruce would do without even knowing it, somehow... *grin* Glad I could give you a giggle!
"I do?" murmured Alfred.
Alfred's reactions were just so perfect, never directly letting Bruce know what he obviously knows perfectly well.
"Bruce Wayne," Clark said, his voice stifled as if he were struggling with some strong emotion. "The World's Greatest Detective. Just where did you get that title from, a Cracker Jack box? A gumball machine?"
The greatest Detective's are always so occupied with unriddling everyone around them, that they just don't have time to understand themselves and what's going on right under their own noses... :D
"For my part," Bruce said, keeping his voice casual, "I've known for…" He lifted an arm to peer over Clark's shoulder at his wrist. "Ten minutes."
No kidding, Bruce. *g*
"And they've been some of the happiest minutes of my life."
Such a beautiful line to end this. That was really heart-warming after all the laughter. :)
Poor Alfred, you KNOW he has attempted to clarify for Bruce, to no avail...
The greatest Detective's are always so occupied with unriddling everyone around them, that they just don't have time to understand themselves and what's going on right under their own noses... :D
Isn't that always the most lovely trope? I adore it...
And Bruce getting all mushy, silly boy... *pats him* Thanks for letting me know this could give you a laugh! :)
Yeah, it's one of my favorite tropes, too. :D
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