Title: The Wonder That's Keeping the Stars Apart, Chapter Two
Pairing/Characters: Clark/Bruce, Alfred Pennyworth, Jim Gordon
Notes: "Music of the Spheres" is a series set in the combined universes of "Batman Begins" and "Superman Returns." Other stories and notes on the series
here.Rating: PG
Summary: Clark tries to search for Bruce while taking on
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Comments 50
Mmm, there are few who know Batman, the public persona, better than Jim Gordon. It's a special kind of relationship, I love catching it in fic here and there. I'm glad the moment worked for yoU!
I also love that this part is fast-paced, filled with action and so much anxiety on both Alfred and Clark's part - sad for them, but great for me. ;) If I hadn't been so tired, I expect I would have been on the edge of my seat the entire time, but...well, I'll lying on my back, so... *lol*
I'm really looking forward to the next part. :D
*grin* He spends a lot of time in it in this arc, too! Yes, I have rather a thing for it as well. :)
If I hadn't been so tired, I expect I would have been on the edge of my seat the entire time, but...well, I'll lying on my back, so... *lol*
After 12 hours at the office, I can hardly blame you! *grin* I'm glad the pace worked--it was a tough one to keep balanced in this arc, and I felt like I was rushing a little here and there, but on the other hand dragging it out too much would be really painful...
*hugs* Hope you're sleeping well!
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