Title: A Moment of Illumination
Continuity: Movies, between The Dark Knight and The Dark Knight Rises
Pairing/Characters: John Blake, Jim Gordon
Warnings: None
Summary: A dark night in Gotham, a spooked patrol, an image John Blake can neither understand nor forget.
Rating: G
Word Count: 566
Notes: More non-spoiler guesswork about Blake and Gotham
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Comments 26
Jim Gordon took off his glasses and pinched the bridge of his nose, letting out a deep breath. The fury seemed to drain from him, leaving him weary and worried. "You could have killed an innocent person," he said, his voice shaking very slightly.
*wibbles massively*
So there was no reason, none at all, for Blake to have nightmares for weeks: nightmares filled with flashes of flame and smoke, buildings falling into ruin. There was no reason to see in dreams Jim Gordon's face, rigid with horror in the cruel pale light, as if witnessing a disaster he was helpless to prevent.
*wibbles again*
*hugs Jim an awful lot* Thank you for sharing this, Jen, I can't wait for the film now! *bounces*
Your Jim is awesome as always.
Oldman's Jim is the most amazing thing, I feel like I could write him forever. He makes polishing glasses totally riveting.
That was so perfectly said! And Gordon’s "You could have killed an innocent person," - Oh, Gordon! - I don’t blame him for the shaking voice. Not at all!
"You didn't fire," Gordon said after a while.
"No, sir."
"Good man," said Gordon, and walked away to oversee the rest of the investigation.
Nice. :)
That was wonderful! Loved Jim/Blake interaction in this story (And I’m curious to see them in the movie. :))
Thank you very much for sharing this. :)
I know! It's so painful to imagine him holding on to that secret year after year, poor man...
I can tell you that John Blake's story was one of my favorite parts of the movie! He's a great character--I could tell it right away, but he definitely lived up to everything I was hoping. :)
that line just hit me. gordon must be frustrated out of his mind with all the half truths he's had to tell over the years. he and bruce deserve a blatant heart to heart with no consequences afterward.
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