Action and Re-Action 6: Appeal

May 06, 2012 22:13

Title: Appeal
Pairing/Characters: Clark Kent/Bruce Wayne, Brainiac, Sam Lane, John Henry Irons, Alfred Pennyworth
Continuity:  Comics, set during Action Comics #7 ( scans) and #8 ( scans)
Rating: PG
Warnings: None
Summary:  Metropolis (and Bruce in it) have been miniaturized and kidnapped into space. Superman intends to reach them--even though he ( Read more... )

ch: brainiac, ch: sam lane, ch: clark kent, ch: alfred pennyworth, ch: bruce wayne, series: action and re-action, p: clark/bruce, ch: john henry irons

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Comments 39

l_junkie May 7 2012, 18:47:36 UTC
Awwwwww!!! They're so love struck! The first thing Clark does is check up on Bruce. And Bruce is just going to shoot him in the heart again with a cupid's bow when he struts in his new outfit. haha. Bruce climbing to a rooftop trying to catch a peep show was hilarious, and him being helpless during the fight must have been heart wrentching. :( Thanks for the update!


mithen May 8 2012, 00:52:52 UTC
Ugh, it was so hard to write Bruce not being able to help in a fight--it's totally out of character for him, but what could he do? All I could do was have him head home in a fever to get ready...

I'm so glad you enjoyed this, thanks for letting me know!


pinigir May 8 2012, 00:02:16 UTC
Loved it! Loved Bruce's determination to help and to create his own suit, with Alfred being supportive. Loved Clark's reaction to Bruce's message (and clothes). :-)


mithen May 8 2012, 00:58:03 UTC
Alfred is always so wonderful to have around for stories, especially in the early days when Bruce is so alone otherwise. This chapter and the next have frustrated me a bit to write because there's very little direct interaction between Clark and Bruce, but they always manage to find a way to communicate somehow...


pinigir May 8 2012, 23:55:08 UTC
Yeah, it's great that Bruce can always count on Alfred to be there. Also, I love those dry witted English butler types, like Alfred, Jeeves, Jarvis... Always fun to have characters like that in a story. :-)

I can imagine it being difficult to find ways for Clark and Bruce to communicate while they aren't really in the same place, but I think you've managed just fine this chapter with Bruce relying on Clark's super-hearing and - later on - the probability of Clark monitoring news channels. Was quite inventive! :-)


bradygirl_12 May 8 2012, 01:03:56 UTC
Great chapter, Mithen! I loved Clark's heroism and jumping into space and showing off acres of skin while Bruce gets an eyeful! ;)

Very sweet of Bruce to rush home and immediately start working on a costume. I thought of Batman Begins and the scenes where we see him discussing the cowl with Alred and making his own batarangs. Oh, and getting the material from Lucius. ;)

I look forward to seeing him present himself as Batman to Clark and the JLA chapters.


mithen May 10 2012, 07:17:45 UTC
Ha, perfect icon! *grin*

I definitely was inspired by those scenes in Batman Begins--they were some of my favorites of the series, I think.

The next chapter is done and even betaed, it's just a matter of finding the time to post now! :)


ilovetobefree May 8 2012, 07:42:03 UTC
Part I:

"I've always known Superman was a magnificent mountain of a man," murmured Bruce Wayne as Lois Lane glared at him,
“a magnificent mountain of a man” :LOL

Bruce tore his mind from the sight of Superman's acres of abdomen peeking out from beneath his tattered t-shirt--he had more important things to consider right now.
Mmmm... I don't blame Bruce for those thoughts. I would have a problem o tore my mind of the sight of Superman's body myself.:)

Second: how could a millimeter-high Bruce Wayne help him?
I’m sure he will find a way :)

"I'm not thinking of it at all," Superman said, buckling the harness on. "I'm doing it."

Love that!

He was going to fail them all. Lose Metropolis. Lose Bruce. Desperate, he spotted a satellite and managed to get it underneath him, pushing off with all his strength, feeling a surge of exultation as finally reached the spaceship (all honeycombed octagons and snakey tentacles), found a fingerhold, and hung on with all his might.
That was wonderfully written!

So he said ( ... )


mithen May 12 2012, 12:39:49 UTC
Mmmm... I don't blame Bruce for those thoughts. I would have a problem o tore my mind of the sight of Superman's body myself.:)

It's so true! Who could resist? :)

Bruce bursting through the door, and his determination and conviction about the need of the suit - that’s so much like him.

Ahhhh, I love writing Bruce in the grip of some Great Idea that he just has to carry out, he's so much fun!

Isn't Alfred the greatest? I'm always so happy when he walks into a scene and starts making suggestions. :)


ilovetobefree May 8 2012, 07:42:14 UTC
Part II:

New worlds... The sheer amount of information on the ship staggered him. He had access now to data about tens of thousands of worlds; the boy who had stared up at the mystery of the stars now had at his fingertips the proof of life strewn throughout the galaxy, even in other galaxies altogether.
“the boy who had stared up at the mystery of the stars” - excellent line

After a moment, Clark said "Narrow feed to transmissions from the last forty-eight hours containing search term: Bruce Wayne."
AWWWW, Clark searching after Bruce! :)

Bruce was wearing an impeccable navy-blue suit with a scarlet tie, and Clark couldn't help but wonder for a moment if those colors were pre-meditated.

He fought for us all--not just the people of Earth, but for the thousands of worlds that had been stolen before us. That's heroism."
And that’s Superman. :D

"Superman. You leaped into the unknown to face a monstrous foe and save us all, and we can never thank you enough. I just hope..." He swallowed and looked down for an instant. "I hope ( ... )


mithen May 12 2012, 12:42:20 UTC
“the boy who had stared up at the mystery of the stars” - excellent line

I love imagining Clark being interested in astronomy as a kid, even when he doesn't know he isn't from Earth!

Eeee, I love seeing you icon and knowing that in that in this story he's looking down and thinking of Bruce! He'll be heading down to see Bruce again next chapter--but he might only meet Batman instead for a little while. *grin*


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