Title: Hedging Your Bets
Continuity: Comics
Pairing/Characters: Superman, Batman, Cyborg, Wonder Woman, Flash, Green lantern, Aquaman
Warnings: None
Summary: After a run-in with Circe, Superman and Cyborg find themselves in charge of a menagerie.
Rating: G
Word Count: 1900
Notes: A birthday present to the talented and awesome
rileyc! I hope it was a
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Comments 80
(I have no icon of a bat-hedgehog, so will have to improvise!)
*flails around at all the cute*
And you picked animals for their personalities so perfectly too. Diana as a fierce, proud majestic creature. Flash as essentially derpy and friendly. And Bruce...awwww.
Really, it was more a present from rileyc to me rather than the reverse, because it was such fun. They really do pop up in the air when they're annoyed! SO CUTE.
I love the image of Barry as a big derpy retriever, they're just the best, with their hearts out on their furry sleeves. :) And poor Bruce is apparently doomed to never be anything terribly threatening! (I did make him a wolf once, but still!)
I bet you had fun picking out animals for the different members of the League.
Oh, I did so much. :) I was probably a little unfair to poor Hal, but that's very much how he's being portrayed in the current JL, the poor dear...
Just wanted to say that I think I just lost my heart here. Whether it's to a fic or a hedgehog is still up in the air though... Both were just too dang cute!
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