Title: Horizon
Fandom: Star Trek: TOS
Pairing/Characters: Kirk/Spock
Rating: PG
Warnings: None needed.
Summary: Spock wakes up in the early morning on the Kirk family farm
Word Count: 200
Notes: For the prompt "Kirk and Spock on the farm."
It would be illogical to expect some kind of connection to a planet simply because one's mother was born here, and yet he is always taken aback by how alien Earth is to him. )
Comments 29
Kirk/Spock was my very first slash pairing, and this reminds me of why I loved them in the first place.
Also, the idea of the two of them tangled in a little bed is so adorable. :D
They were the pair I shipped before I even knew a thing about sex, much less homosexuality. :) They were just...obviously together to my young mind. It always makes me happy to write them, and Spock comes surprisingly easy to me considering I'm much more like Kirk myself (well, in the sense of being less logical and more likely to judge based on irrational things, lol!)
I apparently have a thing for my preferred pairings sharing tiny little twin beds. :) I'm glad you liked the image!
Thanks for the sweet comment!
<3 <3 <3
i can't think of anything better to say. i love this. :3
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