Scans: Superman/Batman, Flashpoint

Jun 27, 2011 20:52

Superman/Batman 84 ("Sorcerer Kings" conclusion):  Written by CULLEN BUNN; Art by CHRISCROSS and MARC DEERING
Flashpoint 2:  Written by GEOFF JOHNS; Art and cover by ANDY KUBERT and SANDRA HOPE

When last we left the S/B "Sorcerer Kings" arc, the Superman from our time was getting ready to help the future-Batman in the huge fight to stop the evil ( Read more... )

ch: wonder woman, ch: steve trevor, ch: bruce wayne, scans: s/b, ch: clark kent, scans: sorceror kings, scans

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Comments 12

zolac_no_miko June 27 2011, 16:38:05 UTC
Bruce constantly saving Clark seems to be a theme in this story - Isn't this a theme in every story? Ohohoho~


mithen June 28 2011, 02:10:45 UTC
If it isn't, it totally should be! Bruce saves Clark so Clark can save the world seems to be a failsafe formula...


bradygirl_12 June 27 2011, 17:35:24 UTC
It was sad to see Bruce dying, but happy to see him ultimately alive again! (Oh, comics, I do love you)

It's a shame this title is discontinued. Well, now I save money, I guess. :)

I hope Steve gets carried over, too. It would be nice after 25 years! :)


mithen June 28 2011, 02:13:23 UTC
It was sad to see Bruce dying, but happy to see him ultimately alive again! (Oh, comics, I do love you)

Comics and their use of death, AUs and time travel can be so much fun. People have such a great time exploring what-ifs in canon!

It's a shame this title is discontinued. Well, now I save money, I guess. :)

Didio has said that the title is "being rested" while they re-establish Superman's story. I think there's probably a good chance it'll be back in some form before 2012 is over...

It would be great to see a young and heroic Steve in the DCnU! I'll be looking for him...


YOUR SCANS PLEASE SPOCK tabru June 27 2011, 20:07:55 UTC
Haha! I was literally just hoping for another installment of Mithen Scans! :D

Yeah, pretty much flailed all through Sorceror Kings. Especially that page with Bruce looking all shocked at Clark using magic. Especially, especially when Bruce gave his life for Clark (oh God, I'm such a sucker for heroes-sacrificing-their-lives-for-their-brothers-in-arms).

That page with Thomas made me wibble...until I noticed his pink utility belt. Then I just broke into giggles. I'm pretty sure it's supposed to be red, No, that's definitley pink. Like father, like son, mistaking pink for red seems to be a family trait. LOLLLLLLL.

STEVE. FREAKIN'. TREVOR. *fans self*

I do like how dashing Steve is here, although I have no idea why of all the true facts about Lois Lane he feels compelled to divulge that she's hawt, or why Diana seemed totally taken aback by it. That seemed a very odd touch.

It does seem odd, yeah, but now...a small part of me kinda wants to ship post-apocalyptic!AU!Steve/Lois.



Re: YOUR SCANS PLEASE SPOCK mithen June 28 2011, 02:16:30 UTC
Especially, especially when Bruce gave his life for Clark (oh God, I'm such a sucker for heroes-sacrificing-their-lives-for-their-brothers-in-arms).

I made dramatic squeaking noises at that scene!

That page with Thomas made me wibble...until I noticed his pink utility belt. Then I just broke into giggles. I'm pretty sure it's supposed to be red, No, that's definitley pink. Like father, like son, mistaking pink for red seems to be a family trait. LOLLLLLLL.

AHHHHHH CANNOT UNSEEEEEE. :DDDD It is a delightful hot pink!

It does seem odd, yeah, but now...a small part of me kinda wants to ship post-apocalyptic!AU!Steve/Lois.

Wellllll, yes. I confess it, lol. I'm hoping to get to see them together! (Although Lois's title, sadly, didn't impress me much--some of that was the art, I think).


DC definitely encourages multi-shipping of all sorts, doesn't it? I LIKE IT.


snake_easing June 30 2011, 22:25:46 UTC
(Dick Grayson, for example, is happily touring Europe with Haley's Circus and his mother and father when his mini-series begins!)


Though, okay, I am less than pleased that the batman book is all about fathers and sons, againHow does Martha feel about her son being dead? Oh, we don't get to find out. And she doesn't do anything interesting with it, like her husband does. And she may be dead. She's so unimportant to what's happening that we don't even know if she's dead ( ... )


mithen July 1 2011, 02:35:20 UTC
How does Martha feel about her son being dead? Oh, we don't get to find out. And she doesn't do anything interesting with it, like her husband does. And she may be dead. She's so unimportant to what's happening that we don't even know if she's dead.

Considering the Joker in this world is a serial killer who specializes in murdering children, and who shares some special connection to Thomas, (and who, by some incredible coincidence, no one has referred to by a pronoun yet), I strongly suspect we'll see what Martha's reaction to losing Bruce was. I just don't think I'm going to be very happy with it. I'd kind of rather she be dead, to be honest... but I guess she's going to be plenty important!

.... And now that I'm thinking about it, Dick's parents are going to have to die horribly, aren't they?I'm curious about that one! The narrative (which I think is really well-written so far) is that Boston Brand is an asshole who doesn't understand the need for family but is beginning to have a glimmering, so I suspect that he's going to ( ... )


ilovetobefree July 2 2011, 15:18:45 UTC
But the bromance is heavy on the way there!
YES and I LOVED that! :D

First off: heroic posing with swords!
Those panels with Clark with the sword (especially that one you posted) were my favorite. He was amazing with it. :)

”Always with the contingency plans” - I liked this line.

Awwwww. What good is going back to the past if it merely leads to Bruce being dead, after all!
Those pages with Bruce being so badly wounded almost made me cry. And Clark’s “I’m not backing out now.” - I knew he wouldn’t have left Bruce. But those moments between them were so touching and perfect!

Superman yelling “Abracadabra” and Batman’s facial expression in the next panel - that was priceless! :D

”---You’re the only one who’s allowed to keep secrets” - another line I liked. :)

Bruce constantly saving Clark seems to be a theme in this story, doesn't it?YES! :D But I loved it in this story so much. Clark saving the world, Bruce saving Clark. And they both were so awesome ( ... )


mithen July 3 2011, 08:17:00 UTC
Those panels with Clark with the sword (especially that one you posted) were my favorite. He was amazing with it. :)

It helps that it's such a beautiful sword! I really liked the art on the medieval things...

(Oh, I just read the comments and you wrote exactly the same - about Bruce saving Clark and Clark saving the world - there. Great! :D)

*grin* I agree, that seems just right, doesn't it? Bruce is the planner and protector that makes it possible for Clark to do the big dramatic things he needs to do. I really like the dynamic between them and this story captured it so well!

Oh Thomas... I understood him so much. And I liked how he said it - without hesitation.

I agree, that he was immediately thrilled by the idea was very moving to me! I hope he gets a chance to be involved in setting the world back somehow...

I’m really curious what the end of the Flashpoint will be. So many things are different in that world. But it seems to me they can change it at the end. I read a few issues and I found them interesting, though a ( ... )


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