Vid: Come Alive [ SPN - 4.01 ]

Sep 27, 2008 17:31

Vid: Come Alive

Artist: mithborien

Fandom: Supernatural

Song: "Come Alive" by The Foo Fighters

Length: 5:09

Description: Episodic vid for 4.01 Lazarus Rising (This can so totally count as my episode review, right?)

Notes: I think Premiere randomly inserted stray frames in clips they had no business being in but aside from that I am pretty pleased with how this turned out considering I wanted to get this done before the next episode. Of course, I missed being ale to post it before the next episode but never mind. Lastly, I thought this was a pretty damn good episode :)


High res:
Download @ Sendspace (.avi 37.2mb)
Download @ Megaupload (.avi 37.2mb)

Low res:
Download @ Sendspace (.avi 12.2mb)
Download @ Megaupload (.avi 12.2mb)

Come Alive from Thorien on Vimeo.

Password: lazarus

vidding: supernatural, vidding: all my vids

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