Vid: A B Song [ SPN - Episodic ]

Jan 04, 2008 22:14

I actually have two more completed vids after this one to post. See, that's the awesome thing about being away from LJ for awhile, you come back with all this stuff to share.

Vid: A B Song

Artist: mithborien

Fandom: Supernatural

Song: "A B Song" by Tom McRae

Length: 4:16

Description: Obligatory Supernatural Season Two finale vid. Yes, I know everyone has all ready done one but I figure this way I can get in after the rush is over. See, being slack has it's strong points.

Download @ Sendspace (.avi 25mb)
Download @ Megaupload (.avi 25mb)

AB Song from Thorien on Vimeo.

Password: hellbreaksloose

vidding: supernatural, vidding: all my vids

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