Title: Awake my soul
mithborienDetails: Supernatural | 2.47 | "Awake my soul" by Mumford & Sons | Spoilers S1 - S5
Lend me your hand and we'll conquer them all. A S5!theme, brother!theme, Impala!theme vid that really should have been finished and posted before season six started. oops
Vimeo (Password: supernatural)
Download: 32mb @
Dropbox )
You can watch this video on www.livejournal.com
SPN - Awake my soul from
Thorien on
(Password: supernatural)
I had actually finished about 90% of this vid back in May last year but struggled with the last 10%. And it's only now that I finally managed to get it done. I also think it would have been far more appropriate to post it before season six started but I clearly missed that boat. And I also think that certain lyrics would be appropriate for certain events in season six but that would involve some major changes and seeing as how long it took me to get to this point I didn't want to rock the boat even further.
But vid is finished! I quite like how it turned out in theme and editing and I hope everyone else does. And many thanks to
ash48 for the beta :)