Farewell, My Turnabout: LESBIANS.

Aug 10, 2010 15:24

Two things before I begin! No, wait, three things.

1. My apologies for this not being up sooner, my ISP had technical problems last night and my Internet is still a bit wonky even now.*
2. I apparently haven't posted this here yet, so... Lookie here, it's a dork who needs to stop being so fun to mess with. He's probably trying not to stare directly into some cleavage.
3. I-I have to ask, is everyone okay? ;;; I-I WORRY TOO MUCH.

(*): Jesus Christ it seriously went down again just a minute after I typed that

I... I just really liked this exchange, don't mind me.

... I'm not gonna argue with that.

It goes without saying that this case is very effective at getting you emotionally involved right from the get-go, most likely because you're desperate to save a well-established character. And, well, because of Pearl. PEAAAARL. ;_;

Christ, Lotta, that information was unnecessary. (Also, am I the only one who thinks she looks like a fish?)

And this is why I think assassin!Adrian works so damn well. I can see perverbially 's fic as a perfectly valid expansion on this game's bad ending.

Sigh, this is another one of... you know, those moments. The first time you play, you just go "hmm, that's kind of a suspicious thing to say", but when you know the whole story, it's almost painful to see.

Really, the first time you play, there's just about no way to see the twist about her coming. She was deliberately designed to look like the typical cold, all-business woman.

You can defend Franziska all you want, and hell, I'll probably agree with you, but the fact is that she's traumatised poor Gumshoe for life.

... I really like tomato juice. But anything else with tomato, I despise. It's a long story involving a sad, terrible meal at an Italian restaurant years ago.

... No, seriously.

In the following years, any kind of beeping would make Gumshoe immediately curl up into a ball and cry.

(I missed this, but then Franzy's all like "VICTORY IS MIIIINE PHOENIX WRIGHT" and Phoenix is like "geez is that all you care about" and Franzy's all "H-HMPH". Hee.)

...... God bless you, Will. Bless you and your naiveté.

I'm just wondering if they already had anything in mind for the sequel at this point...


Best Psyche-Lock in the whole series? Perhaps.

Holy triumphant music! I'm no Edgeworth fangirl, to be honest, but hell, there's no way not to be amazed at this moment the first time you see it.

Does this also count as tempting fate? I think it does.

... You know, I find that Edgeworth is kind of a dick in this case. In a very different way than he was in the first game.

God, I just... I won't even say I want to hug her. I just want to hold her hand. I get emotional over her okay

"I'M NOT GOING TO GIVE YOU THE SECOND PART UNTIL YOU SHOVE THIS IN MY FACE, THOUGH." I don't recall if I had any problems with this on my first playthrough, since I'm the kind of person to just randomly present things at people, but either way, it makes little sense.

"That said, I fully advocate breaking her publicly if it gets her to spill out the truth."

... I-I can't make lesbian jokes right now. I feel too bad for Adrian. Sorry, guys. ;;

Notes say... "- dsfsdhed and now the Steel Samurai's Ballad is playing and there's this little knot in my throat" D:

This just sounds plain suspicious when you don't yet know why she has it.

Come to think of it, Gumshoe probably wasn't the only one to develop a phobia of beeps after this.

... But on a more light-hearted note, I like to imagine Shelly looking all B| as he says this.

Welp, even legendary assassins can't really do anything about supernatural channelling skills. vOv

The case is damn good at getting you to suspect Adrian at this point. Just another stepping stone in the path to absolutely messing with your feelings later...

Next time: more fangasming over this case, unf

screencaps, rambling, reading between the lines

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