I Won't Be Held Responsible

Apr 05, 2008 00:42

Huge new batch of icons today, but before I get to that, I just opened a new icon challenge community based on the ABC Family show "GREEK". Check it out greek_icontest

001 - 028 - One Tree Hill
029 - 041 - Greek
042 - 043 - Heroes
044 - 063 - Roswell
064 - 068 - Veronica Mars


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one tree hill, heroes, veronica mars, greek, icons, roswell

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Comments 31

Avies magali29 April 5 2008, 18:34:31 UTC
Great avies. I snagged number 44, 52 and 60.


never_jen_land April 5 2008, 19:00:39 UTC
They're really nice!
The One tree hill ones make me want to watch the fifth season and that is a miracle!

Took #35, will credit!


misty87 April 5 2008, 21:28:15 UTC
You should watch it! It's not as bad as you think, it's really awesome this season!


never_jen_land April 5 2008, 23:01:22 UTC
I might catch up then.. It's just that I didn't like the fourth so I was afraid the fifth would be worse, you know?
But the child is so cute :) I might watch for him ^^


misty87 April 6 2008, 00:53:03 UTC
I didn't like season four either, but season five is great.


oursouls April 5 2008, 19:02:45 UTC
saving 30 :]


oursouls April 5 2008, 19:03:07 UTC
and 31!


musicaltwin07 April 5 2008, 19:05:57 UTC
Not taking any right now but I love the coloring and the effects on all of these. Sooo pretty. :)


geckoholic April 5 2008, 19:12:28 UTC
Great work, I love the Maria/Michael-ones!!


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