Many heartfelt thanks go out to the small handful of people who have wished me well and condolences on the loss of my son, Fianna. Large Nutella covered thanks to microwench for the wine and sympathy and the carting me and him around on Monday
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To promote the super unrated directors cut of the movie, coming out tomorrow on DVD, Studio 30 in Olathe is showing The Saints on the big screen for 1 showing at 8:00 pm. Derrin and I will be there, we hope to see you there as well!
But a super huge request, can somebody tape the 2hour season finale of 24 for us?
The Mistres is UBER happy! microwench just emailed me all the rest of my icons, I now have 2 full disks, not including the3rd full one at home(somewhere). *dancin' like a spastic monkey*