Life update: stringing words together just because I can

Jun 22, 2009 22:18

Erm. So. Just to start with the happy (with which I shall also end): yesterday was good.

On the heels of a month or so of not so much: First I was sick for a couple of weeks--not sleeping, bad headaches, overheated and confused. Then the wound doctor told me I had a resistant bug (odd that I'm just now realizing that those two were probably connected). And the only effective treatment for said resistant bug is a class of antibiotics to which I was suspected to be allergic. So. Given the choice between known resistant bug and suspected antibiotic allergy, I opted to try the antibiotics.

Wound doc told me to take half a pill and wait two days to see if I had a reaction. If I did, take antihistamines and steroids and call my regular doctor. If not, take the rest of the pills. The half-pill was okay, so I started the series. For a while it was fine, though I still felt bad from the bugs. Then one day I woke up itching. Well, more like ITCHING!!!111eleventy1!!! that raised up in welts if I scratched, but otherwise, no hives, no wheezing. I thought I had about four days of the antibiotics left, and decided to tough it out. After all, you stop a series of antibiotics in the middle, you just make the bugs tougher on everybody. I could itch for four days.

Come to find out, I still had a week to go. Aiee! But I lived. Though on the very last day I started wheezing. (But sometimes I wheeze a little anyway, I have some mild respiratory problems. It's nothing. At least that's what I told myself.) But the dreaded pills are done now, I've stopped itching, and--at least until he takes another culture tomorrow--I'm going to assume the bugs are dead. Though I'm still hot and headachy, but I think that's the weather. ::sigh::

I suppose it's not too surprising, given all that, that every time I opened the file to work on my Multiverse story, I drew a blank. :-( And tomorrow is my posting date. I'm making some headway on it now, but there's just no way. I've got to tell the mod, and I've got to do it now, but I'm so upset about it that I don't know what to say.

On the good side, yesterday was terribly productive. I was civil to the new caregiver, even though I had a splitting headache. I remembered to say Happy Father's Day to my Dad. I finished a beta I'd been trying to finish for weeks. (Then I sent the E-mail without attaching the file, but at least I caught that immediately and re-sent it.)

This morning I annoyed myself by reading metafandom and writing snarky replies and ranty posts in my head. Tomorrow I have another appointment with the wound guy, and the next day I have a visit from out-of-town friends, which, much as I love them, will be exhausting piled on top of painful. But I promised to end with the good news, so: I wrote actual words! A beta, a post, a few words on my story. Whee!!

writing, ficathons, rl

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