Author-ity meme

Oct 26, 2007 05:36

Swiped from... er... some other writerly egotists on my flist.

What would you say are the trademarks of my writing? What themes or quirks or turns of phrase have you noticed? What is it that makes a story by me -- well, a story by me?

writing, memes

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Comments 7

kerravonsen October 26 2007, 19:34:22 UTC
Light and fluffy humour (sometimes quite cracky) or serious thoughtful stuff. Extensive vocabulary. The serious stories often have lovely description (thinking of "Seasonal Work" in particular). Jarriere. Good dialogue.


mistraltoes October 28 2007, 08:12:53 UTC


jthijsen October 26 2007, 21:10:22 UTC
You see the best in characters and manage to make them a lot stronger than I saw them on screen while still remaining true to canon. Your Jenna is the Jenna that should have been shown all through the series (she was written that way only for the first few eps) and your Jarriere is the stuff of dreams.

In other words, I like your stories because of the way you see the characters, as strong, capable people with endearing quirks.


mistraltoes October 28 2007, 08:14:13 UTC
Thank you! I feel all inspired now; I should go write something. :)


izhilzha November 5 2007, 18:50:31 UTC
You write stories that tend to be short, but elegantly so; it's clear that each word is carefully chosen, but the result is anything but labored.

And even when you're writing crackfic (which you do well), I expect to recognize the characters in spite of the crack, and I do.


mistraltoes December 4 2007, 15:20:00 UTC
Thank you, those are... well, they're things that mean a lot to me to hear. So much so that I think I'd better shut up now. :)

And, on a matter unrelated, except by being both (1) quite late and (2) gratitude-related: Thank you so much for the card. That made my day, it made my week, and I still get a lift when I look up at the mantel and see it. It's like a warm fuzzy hug from you and Larry both. Thanks again.


izhilzha December 4 2007, 17:49:20 UTC
hose are... well, they're things that mean a lot to me to hear.

They're things that mean a lot to me to read, so...thank you. :-)

Re: the card: Yay! That's what I wanted it to be! You're very welcome.


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