I'd really like to be less predictable...

May 18, 2007 19:18

It's not that I tried for this result. It's that the other answers were so NOT me....

Which 1st season Blakes 7 character am I? )

quiz, b7

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Comments 13

sallymn May 19 2007, 02:28:48 UTC
It wasn't hard to work out where the answers would lead to (which doesn't quite explain where they led me, but still..)


mistraltoes May 19 2007, 02:32:43 UTC
It's the wardrobe, darling. ;-)


sallymn May 19 2007, 02:36:16 UTC
Me in Jenna's clothes (pink velour! blue chiffon! red leather and boots!!!)is a fairly startling mental picture.

How are you at leather 'n studs?


mistraltoes May 19 2007, 02:39:25 UTC
Just keep the lobster suit away from me... though my favorite outfit is the one in Voice from the Past, sans jacket.


I was Vila anonymous May 19 2007, 12:15:55 UTC
No big surprise, really...



Re: I was Vila mistraltoes May 23 2007, 11:42:35 UTC
Oh, lookit! You posted! ::waves:: Feel free to do that anytime. :)


labingi May 19 2007, 19:58:05 UTC
I don't know how one can possibly not be predictable with that quiz. I tried to take it but gave up because it was so obvious which answers went with which characters that there was no way to distinguish "what are you like" from "which character do you feel like identifying with"? (Mind you, most such quizzes are like that, nothing against this one in particular.)


vilakins May 19 2007, 23:46:31 UTC
"which character do you feel like identifying with"

Exactly, which was why I gave up trying to me me and answered as Vila.


mistraltoes May 23 2007, 10:26:07 UTC
You have to think 'which response is like me' and at the same time ignore the fact that you know which character would give that response--difficult, but possible. But the quizzes where the author has taken the time to come up with some less obvious questions are a great deal more fun, that's for certain.


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