Remix unveiled!

Apr 29, 2007 09:09

And now, it can be told.

The remix I wrote was Trigger Finger (The Eleven O'Clock Remix), based on Trigger Finger by kerravonsenIt's my first completed Stargate SG-1 fic. It has a bit of each S1 team member, and several OCs. If you're so inclined, please do tell me whether the voices (both types) are working ( Read more... )

writing, ficathons, remixes, sg-1, fic

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Comments 5

izhilzha April 29 2007, 16:26:07 UTC
Oh, awesome! :-) I need to read it again (I skimmed several remix fics when they first went up), but I can tell you right now that I liked all the voices. Good OCs, good Daniel (poor Danny), good Jack. Well done.


mistraltoes April 29 2007, 16:35:45 UTC
Well, Yay, then! I'm relieved that you approve, thanks. :)


kerravonsen April 29 2007, 22:30:45 UTC
Well, no wonder I couldn't guess it was you, you've never written Stargate before.


mistraltoes April 30 2007, 02:14:49 UTC
Well, I do keep offering, but nobody takes me up on it. So I took myself up on it. :) Anyway, it was a good way to throw you off my scent. Just you wait, next time I'll probably do The Sentinel. ;-)


kerravonsen April 30 2007, 02:59:58 UTC
Well, I'm glad your remixee in gen_remix has a lot of fandoms for you to choose from, then.

I'm not going to do RemixRedux again, though. Being given a slash writer to remix turns it into Not Fun for me; I don't want to go through that again.


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