SG-1 questions

Mar 27, 2007 17:18

Doing some SG-1 fic research. Can anybody tell me ( Read more... )

sg-1, questions

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Comments 11

feliciakw March 28 2007, 01:36:24 UTC
To the best of my knowledge (because it's been a long time since I've watched SG-1):

Teal'c lives in Cheyenne Mountain. There's an ep somewhere around Season 5 (?) wherein he attempts to get an apartment in the real world, and various cultural misunderstandings result.

Jack has a house (see Fire and Water).

Sam has a house (see . . . um . . . the one with the ascended/descended alien who builds a stargate in her basement).

Daniel has an apartment (see The Light and Forever in a Day). I do know recall a "cover" occupation ever being mentioned for Daniel. Seems that it would suffice for him to say that he's a civilian employee of the government. A cultural or historical advisor or something. Heck, give him a GS-whatever grade, and most people would probably let it go at that. :-)

Others, I'm sure, could answer you more specifically, but that's what I've garnered from the series.

Hope it helps!

Get better!


feliciakw March 28 2007, 02:34:46 UTC
I do know recall a "cover" occupation

Um, that should be "I do *not* recall . . .

Sometimes my fingers have minds of their own.


mistraltoes March 28 2007, 08:18:15 UTC
Thanks, that's very helpful. And d'oh, I should have remembered Jack's house.


astrogirl2 March 28 2007, 02:13:12 UTC
Well, season one's much more recent for me than for most people, I guess... And I'm pretty sure I remember Teal'c in a small room in the Cheyenne Mountain complex, and that it had a little TV in it. Admittedly, sometimes my brain makes up things, though, so it's probably better not to rely on my memory. :)

Daniel is shown as living in an apartment building, but as far as I've seen in the first couple of seasons, there's been nothing about a "cover" occupation for him.


mistraltoes March 28 2007, 08:21:13 UTC
Thanks! Your having seen them recently makes me feel more confident about it.


vilakins March 28 2007, 02:20:41 UTC
Like the others, I'm pretty sure Teal'c lived in the mountain for quite a while. I vaguely remember there being a big deal the first time they took him out. Even if they never showed a TV, I'm sure he had one because I think he made a couple of remarks about things he saw or somehow knew about earth culture.


vilakins March 28 2007, 02:29:17 UTC
And I thought (but can't say for sure) that Daniel was still an archaeologist. I could however just be making an easy assumption.


mistraltoes March 28 2007, 08:25:37 UTC
Yes, he's still an archaeologist, but in what capacity? I mean, if somebody asks him what he does, and he says archaeologist, the next logical question is, "Where?" And he can't say for the Stargate Project, so... does it make sense for the US government to hire an archaeologist? Or does he say he's a professor on sabbatical, or works at a museum, or a consultant? Because, say, a girlfriend is going to want to know. Maybe I should make him a consultant, that's vague enough, I guess.


izhilzha March 28 2007, 16:34:30 UTC
I agree that there isn't any canon cover story for Daniel...however, he's not only an archaeologist, he has a degree in linguistics as well, so maybe his cover could be that he's doing linguistic work for the Air Force?


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