C'est moi! (or at least a reasonable facsimile)

Feb 24, 2007 00:04

Okay, I confess. The computer's been more or less fixed for a few weeks now. I've been lurking, just dropping a few comments here and there. I suppose it's been a combination of my usual post-holiday hibernation and the conviction that if I didn't get the computer set up exactly the way I wanted it before I started posting, I'd never get it just ( Read more... )

ficathons, joy, rl, numb3rs, hippodays

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Comments 22

vilakins February 24 2007, 09:32:00 UTC
I've seen comments from you around the place so I knew you were all right, but it's good to have you properly back. :-D


mistraltoes February 24 2007, 10:02:51 UTC
Thanks! I've missed everybody. :)


babyotto February 24 2007, 09:37:20 UTC
I'm so glad to see you back, and to hear about what's been up.

I'm sorry to hear about your doctor moving, but very glad she has taken the time to line you up with someone new.


mistraltoes February 24 2007, 10:03:54 UTC
Ooh, yummy icon! And I'm glad to be back, thanks.


kerravonsen February 24 2007, 11:34:15 UTC
those of you living in real time may feel free to ignore them


I was once described as living in my own time-zone; I wasn't sure if it was a compliment or an insult.


mistraltoes February 25 2007, 09:53:11 UTC
It's all in how you choose to view it. ;)


sallymn February 24 2007, 11:46:07 UTC
Welcomeback! Jarriere and I are both glad to see you :)


jomacmouse February 25 2007, 03:42:00 UTC
And me :-)


mistraltoes February 25 2007, 09:55:29 UTC
Thanks. :) Perhaps if I drone on for a while, you'll be able to sleep despite the noisy neighbors.


jomacmouse February 26 2007, 02:53:42 UTC
They behaved themselves last night, so no droning required, even if I thought you droned, which you never have.


entropy_house February 24 2007, 12:30:13 UTC
Hello and hugs! Glad to see you again.


mistraltoes February 25 2007, 10:53:18 UTC
Hi! Good to see you, too. :)

Um. Is it a coincidence that those cats form your initial, or have I just been stupid all this time?


entropy_house February 25 2007, 15:38:46 UTC
No coincidence. It's the 'M' from my Alleycatphabet, which you can see here:
Numbers and a few symbols are here:


mistraltoes February 27 2007, 02:13:31 UTC
Ah. I'm just stupid then. Always good to know. :)

Those are clever! You always do the most fun things with your camera.


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