Character compliments revisited

Nov 19, 2006 02:12

Oops. I completely forgot to post my replies to this one. Here they are, behind the cut. Apologies to the participants for the lateness.

For astrogirl2:
  • Snape, I admire your economical approach to magic, your skill at potions-making, and your general refusal to blow your own horn.
  • Travis, I admire your focus. I could do with some of that.
  • Wilson, I admire your loyalty, patience, and understanding. It must take some doing to stay friends with House after all he's put you through.

For lizamanynames:
  • Tonks, it's so great the way that you accept people who are out of the mainstream. Go, you.
  • Cordelia, you understand the uses and abuses of honesty, and you can take as much as you dish.
  • Emma, you exhibit a wonderful air of inclusiveness. Rather than showing disdain for others, you make elegance, strength, and confidence seem like qualities that every woman can reasonably aspire to.

For izhilzha:
  • Sara, I really admire your job competence and your sly sense of humor. Your taste in men's not bad, either.
  • Colby, you never fail to make me laugh. Let's not go into the why.
  • Munch, I see that soft heart you think you keep so well hidden. It's kind of cute.

For sallymn:
  • Ginny, you've overcome some early difficulties to become a strong, confident young woman.
  • Soolin, your ability to stay calm and think clearly during a crisis is a trait I wish I had.
  • House, you do more good with your sharp mind than you like to admit, however much you try to disguise it with your equally sharp tongue.

For vilakins:
  • Bayban, you have the wonderful ability to be yourself no matter what others may think.
  • Moaning Myrtle, your talent for resting in the U-bend of the toilet is unique.
  • Harper, you take good care of your ships, and you also have a nifty middle name (Zelazny).

house, snape, hp, btvs, bayban, memes, numb3rs, b7

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