B7 crackfic for vilakins: Tailor Made

Oct 16, 2006 05:05

Another challenge fic, this one for vilakins. Her requests appear after the story, though I will say it's set in my 'Jarriere on the Scorpio' universe.

Tailor Made, 553 words, PG. )

soolin, dayna, humor, avon, vila, fic, jarriere, b7

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Comments 17

kalypso_v October 16 2006, 15:12:30 UTC
JOY! Oh, he would have brightened up fourth season no end! One note, though; Scotch whisky doesn't have an E in it. Whiskey is an Irish spirit (and apparently American).


PS kalypso_v October 16 2006, 15:13:32 UTC
I do hope he was able to get proper Scotch whisky.


Re: PS mistraltoes October 16 2006, 15:27:25 UTC
He was; I just had the usage backwards in my head. I'm fixing it now. Thanks! :)


mistraltoes October 16 2006, 15:33:51 UTC
He would, he would! I suspect next time I watch S4, I'll be subconsciously waiting for him to appear. :) I've fixed 'whisky' now. Thanks for reading and commenting!


shimere277 October 16 2006, 15:39:43 UTC
Kilts would have definitely been an improvement on the costumes. (But authentic ones would probably have exceeded the costuming budget!)

They are like babe-magnets. Every time my spouse wears his, he is surrounded by every girl in the room.


mistraltoes October 16 2006, 15:51:23 UTC
Hee! Well, my Jarriere certainly thinks of himself as a babe-magnet; perhaps that's why.

Thanks for reading and commenting! And I LOVE your icon!


reapermum October 16 2006, 16:47:21 UTC
What does a Scotsman wear beneath his kilt?

You know the old joke, "Is there anything worn under the kilt? No, it's all in perfect working order"


mistraltoes October 16 2006, 17:55:47 UTC
Hah! No, I hadn't heard that one. I'm sure Jarriere would agree, though. Thanks for stopping by. :)


kerravonsen October 16 2006, 21:35:32 UTC
(grin) Verra clever lad, our Vila.


mistraltoes October 17 2006, 05:46:47 UTC
Or at least he holds his liquor better than Jarriere does. :)

Mind you, he's more clever than I am; it took me forever to think of anything to write about underpants! Though the writing itself was astonishingly quick once I did.


vilakins October 16 2006, 21:51:20 UTC
[applause] That's brilliant, supreme crackfic-writer! You got all of my requests in, um, seamlessly.

I feel the severe lack of a Jarriere icon. I will have to rectify that.


mistraltoes October 17 2006, 05:59:52 UTC
That's brilliant, supreme crackfic-writer!

ROFL. I shall have to get a red dress and a cockatoo now.

I feel the severe lack of a Jarriere icon. I will have to rectify that.

Yes, you must! The world needs more Jarriere icons. Come to think of it, a Vila-Jarriere icon would be nice, too... ::wanders away, musing::


vilakins October 17 2006, 06:25:20 UTC
I might use my drawing if it reduces well.


mistraltoes October 17 2006, 13:59:29 UTC
That would be super!


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