Buffyverse love

Jun 16, 2006 16:53

I am cranky and depressed and I won't bore you with all the reasons. Instead, in honor of rahirah's headache, I present:

A baker's dozen of moments I love in Buffy the Vampire Slayer )

btvs, spike, joy, giles

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Comments 6

rahirah June 17 2006, 02:37:34 UTC
Those are good moments. :)


mistraltoes June 17 2006, 03:31:28 UTC
And they are only a few of the many. :D


kerravonsen June 17 2006, 04:22:14 UTC
Hmmm, yes they are (those that I recognise, anyway).

I think I'd add the "Xander talks Willow out of destroying the world" bit.

Headache? Drink some water, you may be dehydrated.


mistraltoes June 17 2006, 04:32:03 UTC
Coincidentally, I spent part of the afternoon trying to figure out how Giles feels about Xander's yellow crayon speech. But I didn't get anything coherent. :(


pinkdormouse June 17 2006, 07:18:54 UTC
All great moments.


mistraltoes June 17 2006, 17:50:45 UTC
I had forgotten how many great moments there are, until I started to make a list.


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