Finishing up the last batch of drabbles - BtVS/B7

Jun 03, 2006 08:38

Finally, the last of the challenge drabbles, this one for kerravonsen. Again with the silliness, but you get what I got. Sorry about that.

Rupert Giles goes into the bar...

One Night at the Transverse Bar
(Avon's Bad Night, Part Four)
by Mistral Amara

Avon eyed the newcomer warily. "I warn you, I've been knocked out twice today. I won't fall for it again."

"Wouldn't dream of it," said the man, offering his hand. "Rupert Giles."

"Don't tell me. You'd never stoop so low. You're a hero."

"Only in my own small way. My Slayer's the real hero."

"And what does this Slayer do?"

"Fight monsters--vampires, mostly."

Avon nearly choked. "Vampires? Well, I wouldn't worry. I'm sure someone will be along from the asylum directly to collect you."

Giles frowned, then hailed a blond playing darts: "Spike? This fellow doesn't believe in vampires."


ETA: I just now realized that kerravonsen also wanted a perilous situation. Hm. Hard to do in 100 words, but I'll try to work that into my Giles table, along with the Giles-Daniel idea. I needed some ideas for the Giles table anyway.

btvs, humor, avon, memes, b7, giles, fic

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