Another drabble: Numb3rs

Apr 24, 2006 19:36

I really need to find a Larry icon, but so far, I'm too picky. Ah, well. Theoretically, I have everything I need to do screencaps now, so it's my own fault if I don't learn soon.

And now, another drabble. This one's for izhilzha. Larry and a fedora. And Megan, but I don't think izhilzha will mind.

Pas de Deux
by Mistral Amara

Holding a hatbox, Larry climbed into Megan's car.

"For me?" she asked.

He passed it over. "I saw you admiring it in the window the other day."

She opened it, laughed, and popped the tan fedora onto her head. She reached into the back of the car for another box, which she handed to him.

It was an identical hat. "Dear me," said Larry. "I seem to have misinterpreted your interest."

"No," replied Megan, holding his gaze. "I definitely don't think you did."

"Oh," he said, realization dawning. "Oh."

They headed out for a night of Terpsichorean and other pleasures.


humor, numb3rs, memes, fleinhardt, fic

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