Another of the drabbles: HP/B7

Apr 24, 2006 07:19

It's another of the drabbles, this one for shimere277. Whom I may owe an apology. Anyway, Snape and Avon go into a bar...

One Night at the Transverse Bar
(Avon's Bad Night, Part One)
by Mistral Amara

"Heroes. Who needs them?" Snape tossed back his whisky.

Avon nodded. "They never mind their own business, and they drag you along."

"And if ever they should happen to save your life--notwithstanding that they are the ones who endangered it in the first place--"

"They think they own you. And if you save theirs--"

"It's worse."

A brawl broke out behind them. Avon drew his handgun.

"Allow me," said Snape. "Somnus!" He smirked. "It's not the size of the wand."

"Lucky for you."

Snape kicked over Avon's stool.

"Here's to anti-heroes," mumbled Avon to the floor, and passed out.


hp, avon, memes, snape, b7, fic

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