Look, Ma, it's a drabble! - House/B7

Apr 21, 2006 17:49

All the drabbles are in process; the first to be done is for astrogirl, who requested House-Avon snarkage.

by Mistral Amara

House scribbled on the white board. "The patient is paranoid and delusional."

A blast of energy put a hole in the board.

"Doctor, I am not delusional, and where I come from, paranoia is a basic survival skill."

House eyed the smoking hole. "Okay, the patient is paranoid and the doctor is delusional."

Avon stepped closer. "I assure you, doctor, I'm quite real."

"You don't expect me to believe that you teleported into my office?"

"No. I expect you to give me a headache tablet."

"Have the good stuff." House surrendered his Vicodin. The man disappeared.

House went cold turkey.


house, humor, avon, memes, b7, fic

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