The Impossible Dream: my goals for 2006

Mar 26, 2006 09:10

Don't feel you have to read this; it's here mostly for my own benefit. The only reason it's unlocked is because (1) I need the accountability of knowing someone might read it, and (2) a couple of the people who might conceivably be genuinely interested refuse to get LiveJournals ::sticks out tongue at said folk::

Anyway. ( Mistral's 2006 Goals (long and rambly) )


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Comments 9

kerravonsen March 26 2006, 21:00:17 UTC
How do you measure the percentage of room-optimumness?

Research and implement name change.

Eh? You're changing your name?


mistraltoes March 26 2006, 21:21:15 UTC
How do you measure the percentage of room-optimumness?

It's a mostly subjective measurement of how tidy and organized everything is--can I find what I want when I want it, that sort of thing. The office is at 10% because I can get to the computer and video game to use them, but that's about it--every surface and all the floor space is covered; I can't even vacuum. My idea of 50% is that the central floor space will be clear, my desk will be tidy, and I will be able to have the room vacuumed and dusted so that the place isn't unhealthy. But at 50% there will probably still be boxes of stuff stacked two deep along all the walls.

Eh? You're changing your name?Ooh, yes, at long last. It's only taken me thirty-five years to work up the nerve (every time I bring it up, Mum has pitched a fit, until just recently). There will be no more arguments with bank tellers and misplaced medical records because the name I use doesn't match the one that the government has on file. :D I've already done most of the digging around, and the legal ( ... )


kalypso_v March 26 2006, 22:32:33 UTC
the name I use doesn't match the one that the government has on file

So are you confirming one of those, or going for a completely new one?


mistraltoes March 26 2006, 22:41:34 UTC
A bit of both. I've been using my middle name and trying to ignore the other since I was about eleven, so my plan is to move the middle name to the front, and use an anagram of my Dad's first name for my new middle one. I like it much, much better. But the best thing, of course, will be to have everything in the same name.


rahirah March 27 2006, 01:34:25 UTC
I quail before your organizedness!


mistraltoes March 27 2006, 01:50:33 UTC
Mmmm, quail...


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