B7 ficlet - Alarums and Excursions

Nov 18, 2005 00:22

Written for b7friday on the prompt Explosions.
Rated PG, 757 words.

Alarums and Excursions )

soolin, vila, b7, fic

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Comments 12

vilakins November 18 2005, 10:14:23 UTC
Oh, that's sad. I hope it does get better for them both.

Vila chased sleep, but couldn't find it

Nice image. And "Oh, yeah? Name once." is just perfect.


mistraltoes November 18 2005, 11:17:10 UTC
Thank you. :) I do think it gets better for them after this. I meant to show that more clearly, but I seem to have rushed the ending a bit; it's a bad habit of mine, sorry.


sallymn November 18 2005, 10:37:03 UTC
Ohhh, sad but not totally tragic.

I do think they were the two who most deserved to get out...


mistraltoes November 18 2005, 11:20:18 UTC
Thanks. :) I enjoy writing Vila and Soolin together; there's a very satisfying contrast to their personalities.


vilakins November 18 2005, 20:59:51 UTC
I like them together too, for the contrast and the points of commonality (esp in their childhoods) and I pair them in my big PGP.

I must finish part 2 of that regardless of the voting. :-P


mistraltoes November 19 2005, 00:20:42 UTC
Yes, you must! :)


kerravonsen November 19 2005, 02:49:09 UTC
Oh, that's lovely! So melancholy, bittersweet -- which is of course very B7; the only sweetness in this universe is the bittersweet kind.

"The last time I was here," she murmured, "I was alone."



mistraltoes November 19 2005, 11:10:28 UTC
Thanks very much, glad you approve. :)


pinkdormouse November 19 2005, 13:10:37 UTC
Lovely. I could have sworn I'd commented on this already, but obviously not.



mistraltoes November 19 2005, 13:29:00 UTC
Thank you muchly.


toft_froggy November 24 2005, 10:31:12 UTC
*sniff*. That's really nice.

they hadn't even gone through the formality of perfunctory leers and terse warnings before wrapping themselves around each other for the added warmth
My favourite line, perfectly in character.


mistraltoes November 24 2005, 18:11:30 UTC
Thank you. :)


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