For my dear friend
PseudoNonchalance over on y!gallery. I promised her some Miles/Phoenix like ... seriously six months ago, maybe more, and then I got distracted with thesis and teaching and ... stuff and didn't write it. So here it is, inspired from something else on the kink meme, and oh I do hope you like it, dear! ♥
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Comments 8
I haven't caught up with your fic in AGES, but it was so nice to come back to! I love the way you write these two together, and I adore your Miles!voice especially.
He grins and presses a kiss to Miles' forehead, then drifts to sleep, pleased with the realization that he's not going to miss the porn at all.
Probably my favorite line, this; who needs porn when you have a Miles?
Thanks for sharing!
I have a ton--a TON--of PW fiction posted, if you're interested in it! I'd love to have you reading me again, you always give such intelligent feedback. And I'm so glad you like that line ... I waffled on it, because I think a healthy relationship can include porn, and i think theirs will, eventually. But hey, for the present, they don't need it, right? ;)
Thank you for reading, dear!!! ♥
i loved thi line: 'Miles Edgeworth may be a perfectionist and a grump ninety percent of the time, he's a perfectionist and a pervert the other ten percent. '
you've caught miles and phoenix *very* well, they make me squee. ^^ also, three cheers for portrayals of (at least semi-) realistic sex!
Thanks for reading! ♥
I'm also a sucker for safe sex in fic. It reassures me, somewhat, or at least bases it in some kind of reality.
And it was very hot, too. ;3
*feels like a bit of an ass for doing that*
I'm so glad you liked the safe-sex aspect of this, hon! I personally find protection in fic hot, because it makes it, for me, more realistic. *perv* :D
Thanks for reading! ♥
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