Master Prompt Post and Rules

Nov 07, 2009 01:05

ETA 1st Jan 2010: The Fest is now closed for new prompts and claims. Pinch-hitters can find open prompts here until the 10th of January 2010.

Welcome to mistletw!

This is an end-of-year fest for Torchwood fans, so that we can give each other presents of fan fiction, art and vids.

This fest isn't run like a story exchange; it's a promptathon, which means you leave a prompt outlining your not-so-secret desire, and with a bit of luck some kind person will fill it for you.

Anyone is welcome to play, as long as you are willing to fill at least one prompt with a story, art or vid.

The Rules:

Join the community!

Starting now and until 23:59 GMT on Thursday, December 24, you can submit prompts for the 2009 MistleTorchwood fest.

Prompts must include 4 elements:
  1. Characters or pairings
  2. Genre: Het/Gen/Slash (you can choose more than one)
  3. Festive Theme: A short prompt, quote or seasonal phrase a writer, artist or vidder can use as inspiration, and
  4. A subject line which includes the character or pairing and genre you are asking for, like so: Character/Character, Genre

    ETA: If you have any concerns about story ratings (due to being under 18 for instance), you can add a note to your prompt saying so. It's also perfectly reasonable to ask a few questions of a prompter before making a claim, in order to clarify what they'd like, if you wish to. You don't have to do this, but it's the season of goodwill, so if in doubt, err on the side of niceness. /eta


Subject line: Jack/Ianto, Slash

Pairing: Jack/Ianto
Genre: Slash
Festive Theme: Mistletoe and mystery.

Subject line: Gwen/Tosh/Martha, Gen or Femslash

Characters: Gwen, Tosh and Martha
Genre: Gen and/or Femslash
Festive Theme: Rift gifts under the tree.

Subject line: Owen/Martha, Het or Gen

Pairing: Owen/Martha
Genre: Het or Gen
Festive Theme: Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow.

Subject line: Ianto/Tosh, Gen

Characters: Ianto and Tosh
Genre: Gen
Festive Theme: What was in the eggnog?

Subject line: Gwen/Rhys/Jack, Threesome

Characters: Gwen/Rhys/Jack
Genre: Threesome
Festive Theme: Gold, frankincense and myrrh.

Subject line: Team, Gen

Characters: Team
Genre: Gen (I'm under 18, so please don't go over a PG-13 rating)
Festive Theme: How aliens stole Hogmanay.


  • Each prompt should be submitted as a separate comment to this post.

  • You can submit up to three prompts.

  • Everyone who submits a prompt is expected to also write at least one story, or make one piece of art, or edit a vid which fills someone else's prompt. (Your mods have a life-long anti-nagging policy, so we won't be chasing you if you don't post a story/art/vid. But if you leave a prompt and don't fill one, you'll create a spike in negative Rift energy, and we all know where that leads! Do you want to end up at Flat Holm? No. So play nice.)

  • More than one person can claim a prompt.

  • You can claim a prompt even if you don't submit one. In fact, please do! The more fan work, the better we like it.

  • To claim a prompt, reply to the comment that contains the prompt (you can do so anonymously if you want to surprise your recipient). If you want to claim one of the example prompts above, you can comment on this entry, indicating which one you've chosen.

  • Prompts will be accepted until midnight on December 24, but you can claim a prompt any time between now and 23:59 on December 31, GMT.

  • You can post your story/art/vid to the community from 00:01 (in your own time zone) on January 1 through until January 10, 2010. In other words, you have ten days to post. There are also handy tags ready for you to use.

  • There is no minimum length for stories, art or vids. Don't make us regret this rule by abusing it. Posting a non-rhyming unbetaed limerick that you knocked out at the last minute would not bring joy to the recipient; please bring some basic good manners to the fest.

A final note from cupidsbow:

The reason this fest is run as a promptathon is because while I love, love, love seasonal fanworks exchanges, I don't have the energy to run one of the big match-up versions. They are awesome, and the very thought of doing one gives me a heart murmur. For real, and not in a good way. For this reason, I am not going to nag, I'm not going to chase people, but I will use my modly smiting fist if anyone acts like an ass. I'm pretty sure no-one will, because a) you're all awesome, b) it's the season of goodwill, and c) this fest is going to be good fun.

In short: play nice. Don't give me chest pains and make me smite things. You wouldn't like me when I'm smite-y.

Credit: These remixed fest rules shamelessly filched from the wonderful twoweevils and ncis_tinsel.


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