Dec 30, 2011 17:36


[For some reason, despite everything that happened in the past. Eridan is walking proud as ever. Maybe it's the fact that he's back to wearing the clothes he's used to. No more mock towel cape! Maybe it's the fact the town gave him back something else. He's not sure what, but he certainly feels different. Almost magical, if ( Read more... )

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Comments 36

action; envyspites December 30 2011, 22:42:05 UTC
[It's apparent she's trying to be serious, but the way she's holding back laughter isn't helping.]

W-What is...?


misterwwizard December 30 2011, 23:04:17 UTC
[Yeah he's just going to puff out more now.]

That feelin' a' awesome you're gettin' by bein' around me?

Well that's just my aura. Like I've been sayin'. Except it must be shinin' today. No. Your paper flyin' devices don't hold a candle to what I've got now.


envyspites January 2 2012, 00:05:19 UTC
Well, okay. The gun-thing is mildly impressive, but what's with the girly wand thing? Did you borrow it from a mahou shoujo? [She's not even trying to hold it back anymore. She's clutching her stomach laughing. Whoops.]


misterwwizard January 3 2012, 00:04:00 UTC
It's my science wand!! Not some... mahoushou whatever the hell it is it sounds like some fakey fake magic stuff. Apparently Santa or whatever was nice enough to give me back my powers a' white science an' give me a wand to be usin' it with, to boot.


moemoetentacles December 30 2011, 23:10:57 UTC
[And here's Squid Girl, walking down the street holding ten pop cap guns - one for each tentacle - firing them off wildly in every direction. Someone is enjoying the holiday season.]

Hey! Eridan, hey! Look what Santa brought me!


misterwwizard January 1 2012, 17:22:29 UTC
[sweet flippin jegus thats a lot of noise. He ducks and covers.]

Sweet flippin' fuck this Santa turned you into a walkin' machine a death...


moemoetentacles January 2 2012, 18:08:02 UTC
Yeah! I'm unstoppable now!



action; dreambubbly December 31 2011, 01:43:27 UTC
[The outfit? She's used to that. She's seen it enough to shrug it off.

But the pink heart wand? That makes her giggle as she approaches. And she has her tiara back! The tiara and the usual necklaces she wears are visible, and the rest of her usual outfit is just hidden under her coat.]

What is that? Here, let me see!

[She just starts giggling even more as she tries getting her hands on the wand.]


Re: action; misterwwizard December 31 2011, 05:01:40 UTC
[He's kind of embarassed by it. Of all the wands to give him... why one that looks like that He thought he had it hidden! So he's going to try and hide it...]

It's nothing! I don't have anything unusual and pink on me nope nope nope!


dreambubbly December 31 2011, 05:11:28 UTC
You do, too! I saw it!

[And now Feferi is trying to figure out where in the world he's trying to hide the silly thing.]


misterwwizard December 31 2011, 06:17:41 UTC
I told you Fef it's nothin'! You can touch all you want but you won't find anythin'!

[okay that was awkward to say but still, he's going totry his best to hide the wand. not because its a wand. No. He wouldn't be caught dead using that as a wand! It's all...he doesn't even know how to explain it.]


crusthatecean December 31 2011, 03:22:39 UTC
Don't worry, you are.

Who is this asshole, anyway?


misterwwizard December 31 2011, 05:10:39 UTC
Kar Dualscar is my ancestor. My childhood hero... Spent many a' sweep researchin' him an' his escapades. Always wanted to be an Orphaner. Seemed like such a fuckin' prestigious job. Everythin' I learned about bein' a troll I learned from researchin' him. Everythin' I've done was to be like him. Well, almost everythin'. Hell my whole blackrom with Vris was based on Dualscar's romantic life as well. Dualscar an' Mindfang was the stuff a' legends. Could be rich off a' makin' movies about that rivalry.


[Action] surmounthesky December 31 2011, 06:33:51 UTC
[When Roxas sees you walking down the street, he isn't sure how to react. He really wasn't sure which part was more ridiculous.]

Uhm. Where'd you get the cape? [Because the heart wand would be way to easy.]


Re: [Action] misterwwizard January 3 2012, 00:06:55 UTC
I've always had this cape, this place finally decided to be givin' my regular clothes back to me.

Always loved the cape it makes such a bold fashion statement.

[and that statement is: I'm a huge douchebag.]


[Action] surmounthesky January 6 2012, 18:08:06 UTC
[He'll slowly raise an eyebrow.]

Uhm, what kind of fashion statement are you trying to make? Because... [Should he be nice to this guy? Does he not know how ridiculous he looks?] you look kind of...um...

Like you don't take yourself seriously?


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